
President Caty Crockett

The traditions of Las Vegas Rotary saw many new twists in 1995-96, as Caty Crockett became the club’s first female president. Two major goals for the year were improving fellowship and service opportunities.  With Steve Casey as membership chairman and Bert Purdue as orientation chairman, we increased our membership by 13, to 175 members.  The head table was rearranged to recognize a 25-club member, senior active and a visiting Rotarian.  Guild Gray produced a column each week for the Wheel called “Lest We Forget” which recognized the accomplishments of many past and long time Rotarians.

Some new and some traditional social functions highlighted the year.  From a September Tailgate Party at a UNLV football game, and outstanding Christmas party at TPC, to a President’s Day weekend ski trip in Brian Head, Utah.  Our traditional softball game at Cashman field became a challenge match with the Southwest Rotary Club, who was soundly defeated under the able coaching of David Boyer.

The annual auction was renamed to honor the memory of long-time auctioneer Jim Corey and was held at the Desert Inn.  The event raised $19,000 to refurbish 2 cottages at Child Haven.  Club members spent one Saturday repainting one of the cottages.

Our major community project, headed up by Tom Krob and Tom Thomas with the able assistance of Tom Akers, was a cooperative effort with the Clark County School District to establish a program where outdated computers could be donated by corporations and reprogrammed for use in school resource centers.

A master calendar for the club events was expanded to include events for all the Las Vegas clubs in order to foster increased fellowship between the clubs in Southern Nevada.

We adopted a series of continuing resolutions, which will augment the By-Laws and help carry on traditions and customs of the club.  Our Ambassadorial Scholar, Walter Andonov, was off for his first year of study at Oxford.

After many years at Harrah’s, the club relocated to the newly redecorated Desert Inn showroom in April.

Cliff Beadle co-chaired a very successful District 5300 conference for District Governor Ken Miller at the Flamingo Hilton Hotel along with Ted Henderson.  Las Vegas Rotary was honored with an outstanding club banner as well as a presidential citation and the Governor’s Award in recognition of our efforts in the four avenues of service.  Joe McNamee again hosted the demotion party at the Silk Purse Ranch and entertained the members with an updated video history of Las Vegas Rotary and vignettes of famous women in history that ended with a new twist on the traditional dunking ceremony.

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