Press Releases

2024 Press Releases

“Kermit R. Booker Elementary School is implementing its first Hydroponics program after a $10,000 donation from The Las Vegas Rotary Club. The donation will go towards Green Our Planet’s comprehensive STEM school garden and hydroponics program, “Hydro Connect.”

“We are proud to continue to support Green Our Planet,” said Toni Kern, president of Las Vegas Rotary Club, a civic service organization that has been supporting Green Our Planet for the past three years…..

2023 Press Releases

“Santa Clothes has grown into our most significant annual project, touching each of us in a very profound way and honestly, it feels like a gift to us,” said Santa Clothes Chair Ginger Anderson…

“Of all the programmes that we support around the globe helping to attract new players or supporting those who need boots or other equipment; there’s one event that touches our hearts every year – the Annual Santa Clothes programme in our “home town” of Las Vegas….

The Las Vegas Rotary Club continues its tradition of community giving with nearly $40,000 in charitable donations this year with more planned during the holidays to support local organizations, focusing on children and education.

The Las Vegas Rotary Club annually sponsors at least one foreign exchange student to attend high school in Las Vegas, in addition to living with host families in the community. This year, the Las Vegas Rotary Club is sponsoring a 16-year-old student from Chile at Centennial High School, and a girl from New Zealand will be hosted in January. 

On April 1, 2023, the club will host a celebration to honor a century of service and pay tribute to its heritage. The event will be held at the historic Fifth Street School, located on 4th Street and Clark Street in downtown Las Vegas. The event will include dinner, cocktails, live entertainment, recognition of local officials and sponsors and more…

The Las Vegas Rotary Club is gearing up to celebrate 100 years of service to the Southern Nevada community. The award-winning club is dedicated to civic and community service, supporting thousands of organizations and donating millions to Las Vegas-based service efforts in its 100 years of operation.

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