
Global Grants

Global Grants support large international activities with sustainable, measurable outcomes in one or more of the six areas of focus:  peace and conflict prevention/resolution, disease prevention and treatment, water and sanitation, maternal and child health, basic education and literacy, and economic and community development.

Global Grants must:

  • Be an international partnership between a Rotary Club or District in the country where the activity takes place, and a Rotary club or district outside of that country
  • Be sustainable and include plans for long-term success after the global grant funds have been spent
  • Include measurable goals that are demonstrated through progress reports
  • Align with one or more of our six areas of focus
  • Respond to identified  community needs
  • Include active participation from both Rotarians and community members
  • Have a minimum total budget of US$30,000
  • Meet the eligibility requirements in the grants terms and conditions

You can use Global Grants to fund:

  • Humanitarian projects that support the goals of one or more of the areas of focus
  • Scholarships for graduate-level academic studies that relate to one or more of the areas of focus. Examples of projects can be found here.
  • Vocational training teams, which are groups of professionals traveling abroad either to learn more about their profession or teach local professionals about a particular field

How do I apply for a Global Grant?

The Rotary Foundation accepts Global Grant applications on a rolling basis throughout the year. Before a District or Rotary Club can apply for a grant, it has to complete the qualification process. Once your Club is qualified, you can apply for a Global Grant through the online tool  found at  Applications submitted online must still be approved by the District 5300 Global Grants Sub-Committee.

Rotary has produced a Grant Management Manual which is an excellent reference guide for applying and managing your grant.

How are Global Grants funded?

Global Grants are funded with a combination of District Designated Funds with Club cash contributions, and matching funds from The Rotary Foundation’s World Fund. The World Fund will match 100 percent of District Designated Funds and/or 50 percent of cash contributions from clubs. The minimum award amount from the World Fund is US$15,000, which means that the minimum overall project budget is $30,000.

District 5300 has $75,000 available in District Designated Funds (DDF) to match Global Grants in the 2013-2014 Rotary year.  The DDF will be assigned to projects on a first-come, first-served basis with a limit of $10,000 in matching funds per project.  At the discretion of the District Governor, the limit may be increased for a project based on the overall scope of the project and the number of District 5300 clubs collaborating on the project.

There is an online project database that can help you match your club’s projects with clubs who are looking to provide funding for projects. It can be found at

Who Can I Speak to About Our Club’s Project?

District 5300 Rotary Foundation Chair Susan Johnson Phone: (702) 496-7302 Email:
Global Grants Chair: Chehab H. El Awar, Phone: (951) 295-7358 Email:

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