Dave Lester
Service Projects Committee, Local Community
Dave Lester began his career working for a small, family-owned insurance firm over twenty-five years ago. His knowledge of the business increased substantially and he joined Talbot Insurance ( a subsidiary of Safeco Insurance), a large regional brokerage. During this tenure, he moved to Las Vegas to open a local office for them. He came to work at Brown & Brown as a sales producer until 2007 when he was promoted to the position of Profit Center Leader, a role within which he was able to contribute to the thriving nature of the organization. Under his lead, Brown & Brown secured a position as one of the top five most profitable offices in the region.
Dave has a long-time involvement in the insurance industry. Beyond experience, he also brings a firm commitment to his core principles of dedication and always putting his clients’ needs first. He defines what matters for each client, and makes sure those priorities are always met. His knowledge and care for all of his clients are apparent and this shows in his thoughtful and conscientious approach to every interaction, every day.
Dave holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry from UC Riverside and is a top producer for Brown & Brown, in addition to being a board member of Freedom House Sober Living and the Las Vegas Rotary Club.