Jacqueline Thornhill

Jacqueline Thornhill

Secretary, Rotary Foundation Committee


Jacqueline Thornhill is President of JT Mobile Notaries. She has been a Nevada Notary since 2001 and now works as a Certified Loan Signing Agent. She assists clients, escrow and title companies with home loan signings in the privacy of client’s homes and online. She became an online Notary with the State of Nevada recently and enjoys the convenience of helping clients through this medium.

Ms. Thornhill recently retired as a financial planning and investment advisor after 24 years. She last contracted as an Investment Adviser Representative for Tuttle Wealth Management LLC, an SEC Registered Investment Advisory firm in July 2016 and sold her practice. She was a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ and retired the designation earlier this year.

Always an entrepreneur, other businesses Ms. Thornhill has owned and operated have included retail carts at the Fremont Street Experience, Laughlin Mall, and McCarran Airport. A retail clothing store located at the Flamingo Hotel and Casino.


December 2010 to April 2011 WebTalkRadio.net Internet Talk Radio show host. “Planning with Dollars and $ense.” Financial Planning and Divorce Analysis content.

September 2010 to November 2010 VoiceAmerica.com Internet radio show. Same as above.


I taught the class “Preparation for Divorce. Avoiding Economic Disaster” three times per year at the College of Southern Nevada from 2010 through 2016.

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