The Wheel for April 8, 2021

by Apr 8, 2021The Wheel0 comments

Listen to Steve Casey – Photography, Adventure & Expression

The Wheel

Steve Casey – Photography, Adventure, Expression

Many years ago, at about the same time that I purchased my first 35mm SLR camera, a friend introduced me to backpacking in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Since then, Las Vegas has provided a convenient starting point for photography trips to the high country of the mountain west, as well as the unique landscapes of the desert southwest. Visits to many beautiful places in the Orient, United Kingdom, and Europe have been added to those adventures and we look forward to new travels in the near future.

I very much enjoyed and appreciate the time I had at Rocky Mountain School of Photography for helping me make the transition from film to digital photography. RMSP was the start of my journey to accumulate 10,000 hours to achieve mastery of a subject, an idea promoted by Malcolm Gladwell in his book “Outliers”. I have learned that the more I know about photography, the more I know I don’t know.

My work has been represented by galleries in Utah, Montana, and Texas. I have been fortunate to have had the support of private and corporate clients including: Fine Art at Work, Morgan Stanley, Redstone Health Center, Investment Counsel Company, Nevada Title, and Rachel’s Kitchen, among others. My work has been displayed in several publications including Photographic Society of America Journal and The Oregon Coast Photo Road Trip by Rick Sammon. The images I present today and others may be viewed at

Photography has been about visiting special places and seeing the beauty that surrounds me. Each image represents a story; some long, some short, but all memorable. The images bring back the moment – senses heightened, sounds of the place, the touch of the breeze, friends sharing the experience, my desire to soak it all in.

I am grateful for a life that has given to me the opportunity to visit such special places and see such wonderful sights. I am grateful for the encouragement of friends and family, especially my mother, who was the first to prod me to do more with my photography. I am grateful for those who have shared these experiences with me. I am grateful for all the beauty in the world and the desire to seek it out. I am especially grateful for my talented “art director”, who helps me “see” and explore the beauty around us, my wife, Linda.

Message From The President

Dear Rotarians,



When we filled out surveys at the beginning of this 2020-2021 Rotary year, two of the most frequent suggestions were more social events and more opportunities to raise money for local service projects.  While social distancing and limitations on the size of group gatherings have made both of those challenging, we have been able to do some of each thanks to the ingenuity of so many of our members.

Tina Bishop put together a virtual wine tasting with a professional sommelier that raised money for local community grants.  The event included on-line socializing before and after the tastings, and some clever members hosted events within the event for small groups in their homes.

Building on the success of that event, Tina is now organizing a virtual bingo party to provide another opportunity to socialize and to raise money for one of the service projects that we are currently supporting – you pick the project when you win.  This will also provide an opportunity for you to invite friends who you would like to introduce Rotary to in a setting that should be familiar to most people.

Be a part of this social event.  I know you will enjoy it.  No reason to hesitate.  Go for it!  Opportunities like this are rare these days.

Richard Jost
Las Vegas Rotary Club

Member Highlights

Scribe – April 1, 2021

Scribe – April 1, 2021


  • President Richard Jost called the meeting to order.
  • Niki Bates gave the invocation.
  • President Richard Jost played “Battle Hymn of the Republic” followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
  • Sarah Thornton served as the Sergeant At Arms.
  • We had one visiting rotarian and one guest of rotarians.
  • We celebrated April birthdays. At the birthday table were Steven Kwon and Erik Astramecki. Not sitting at the birthday table, but celebrating her birth month was Rosalee Hedrick. President Jost fined Rosalee $200 for not sitting at the table, and then fined PE Mike Ballard, Kim Nyoni, Brian Sorrentino, and Paul Maffey $200 each for sitting at the birthday table unauthorized. We also celebrated our on screen attendees birthdays for Maria Walsh and Judith Pinkerton.
  • President Jost presented Lisa Motley with a check for $1914 for finding the joker at our March 18 meeting.
  • Rosalee Hedrick inducted Michelle Calbi. Tina Bishop is her sponsor.
  • Maria Walsh provided an update on Breakfast with Books. In March, the program supplied 350 books. The students return to school April 6.
  • Save the Date! Tina Bishop provided details on a new event. Virtual BINGO will be held April 21 at 5:30 p.m.
  • The raffle ticket winner was Jamie Goldsmith who received a prize of $50 for finding an Ace, and the Lawry’s Bucks winner was PP Jim Tucker.
  • Rose Falocco announced that the 25 Club was hosting a party that evening (April 1). Our generous host was Jerry Engel.
  • Jim Hunt gave an update on the Wheelchair Foundation which delivered one chair this week. If anyone is interested in participating in deliveries, please contact Jim or John Williams.
  • PP Caty Crockett introduced our guest speaker Karla J. Perez, regional vice president of Universal Health Services. Karla presented on The Covid Pandemic – The Hospital Experience. Topics included; the challenges for hospitals, toil on healthcare, key Covid stats, long term risks to patients, impact on other medical care, value of community outreach, impact on employment, and other enlightening discoveries.
  • President Richard Jost presented our guest speaker with a Share What You Can award  and an official Rotary facemask, then adjourned the meeting.

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