The Wheel for March 28, 2019

by Mar 28, 2019The Wheel0 comments

The Wheel

Susan Johnson – State District Court Judge

Susan Johnson initially was elected to serve as State District Court Judge, Department 22, on January 2, 2007, and thereafter, overwhelmingly re-elected twice, in 2008 and 2014, with over 82% and 75% of the vote, respectively.  She currently hears civil and construction defect matters. Judge Johnson has been a resident of the greater Las Vegas area since November 1963. She graduated from Ed. W. Clark High School in 1977 and UNLV in 1982, where she acquired her Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a dual major in public accounting and investment finance.  She thereafter graduated from McGeorge School of Law, University of the Pacific, in 1985, and has been a member of the Nevada and California State Bars since 1985 and 1986, respectively. Judge Johnson is also admitted to practice before the United States District Court, District of Nevada (since 1985), Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals (since 1986), and United States Supreme Court (since 1989).

Before assuming the bench, Judge Johnson, then an attorney of over 21 years, was A-V rated by Martindale-Hubbell, and the President/Sole Shareholder of her own law firm, whose practice included civil litigation, personal injury, security and/or premises claims, domestic or family law, wills and simple estate planning.  Her background also includes insurance and civil rights defense, and having an active trial practice. Judge Johnson also acted as an arbitrator, who has arbitrated at least 600 matters, mediator, Settlement Judge for the Nevada Supreme Court, short-trial judge for the Eighth Judicial District Court, Judge Pro Tempore for Las Vegas Justice Court, as well as Hearing Master in child support cases.  She has taught several CLE courses and spoken at various seminars/conferences during her career, including, but not limited to that dealing with arbitration, constructional defects, rules of civil procedure, professional responsibility, personal injury cases from start to finish and uninsured/underinsured motorist issues.

Judge Johnson is also actively involved in the community.  She is a past president of the Howard D. McKibben Chapter of the American Inns of Court, the Rotary Club of Green Valley and Nevada Rotary Foundation, and currently serves as Foundation Chair for Rotary District 5300, as well as the Rotary Club of Green Valley.  Judge Johnson also currently holds or has held memberships/offices in various other organizations, such as the Daughters of the American Revolution, Junior League of Las Vegas, National Association of Women Business Owners and Henderson Chamber of Commerce to name a few.  She has been married to District Court Judge Eric Johnson for over thirty-two (32) years, and they have two adult daughters, Tess and Emma. When not attending her judicial duties, Judge Johnson can be found running half- and whole marathons with her husband and daughters throughout the country and internationally.

Message From The President

Dear Rotarians,

The Rotary Foundation began as an idea proposed by Arch Klumph’s in 1917.  He suggested that Rotary should create and maintain an endowment fund dedicated to “doing good in the world.”  The Rotary Foundation began when the initial contribution of $26.50 was made by the Rotary Club of Kansas City, Missouri.  The Rotary Foundation was official named at the Rotary Convention of 1928 which was held in Minneapolis, Minnesota.  Thanks to his sharing his vision with other Rotarians, the advocacy of Arch Klumph and other leading Rotarians, and of course, the generosity that marks Rotarians worldwide, The Rotary Foundation is one of the world’s leading humanitarian foundations.  Over the Rotary Foundation’s lifetime, Rotarians have given more than $4billion dollars to the Rotary Foundation.  It has grown from the initial contribution of $26.50 to more than $1.2billion currently under management.

The Rotary Foundation began as an idea proposed by Arch Klumph’s in 1917.  He suggested that Rotary should create and maintain an endowment fund dedicated to “doing good in the world.”  The Rotary Foundation began when the initial contribution of $26.50 was made by the Rotary Club of Kansas City, Missouri.  The Rotary Foundation was official named at the Rotary Convention of 1928 which was held in Minneapolis, Minnesota.  Thanks to his sharing his vision with other Rotarians, the advocacy of Arch Klumph and other leading Rotarians, and of course, the generosity that marks Rotarians worldwide, The Rotary Foundation is one of the world’s leading humanitarian foundations.  Over the Rotary Foundation’s lifetime, Rotarians have given more than $4billion dollars to the Rotary Foundation.  It has grown from the initial contribution of $26.50 to more than $1.2billion currently under management. 

In 1930, the Foundation made its first gift of $500 to the International Society for Crippled Children (“ISCC”).  ISCC was created by Rotarian Edgar F. “Daddy” Allen.  Today we know ISCC as Easter Seals.  In 1947 when Rotary founder Paul Harris died, contributions began pouring in to Rotary International, and the Paul Harris Memorial Fund was created to build the Foundation.  The Every Rotarian Every Year initiative asks all Rotarians to support the Rotary Foundation every year.  The Las Vegas Rotary Club makes the same ask of each of its members.  Historically we are one of the strongest clubs in District 5300 when it comes to supporting the Rotary Foundation.  While we have a good per capita donation rate, we do not have a 100% member support rate.  I am hopeful that in President Elect Jackie Thornhills year, and thereafter we can report to District 5300 and RI that 100% of our club members support the Rotary Foundation.

Due to the generous support of Rotarians like you, Arch Klumph’s idea to create a fund For “doing good in the world” has grown from $26.50 into a global force.  With everybody’s help the Rotary Foundation will continue to grow and do good in the world.

We support the Rotary Foundation In addition to contributing to the Annual Fund on a regular basis, members are encouraged to get involved in a Foundation project or program.The Rotary Foundation It has one of the largest and most prestigious international fellowship programs in the world

Jim Kohl
95th President
Rotary Club of Las Vegas


Member Highlights

Scribe – March 21, 2019

Las Vegas Rotary Club Meeting:  March 21, 2019

President Jim called the meeting to order.  PP Steve Linder gave the invocation. Arleen Sirois led the club in singing God Bless America, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.  The Sergeant at Arms was Carey Grohs:

  • President Jim encouraged members to share the live stream of our meeting on social media to share our message and our Club with others;
  • There were (1) International Rotarians, (1) visiting Rotarians and (4) Guests of Rotarians introduced;
  • Annee Nounna is back at the Club, and she thanked all well-wishers for their sympathy cards and messages;
  • President Jim’s announcements: we have club business cards to invite prospective members to our meeting; try to keep the Green Book circulating during the meeting so all members have a chance to sign up; please submit People of Action photos to President Jim, Francesca Gilbert orAdam Hommey; if you have registered for the International Convention and have not e-mailed President Jim yet, please do so; the District Conference is 5/3-5/4 in Anaheim; the next Corazon SuperBuild is 5/18;
  • PE Jackie Thornhill announced Paul Harris Fellowship contributors Jason Buckley and Chan Lam (both initial level), Toni Kern Paul Harris+2, Gwen Hall Paul Harris+3, Lamar Marchese Paul Harris+3 and Francesca Gilbert Paul Harris+6;
  • PP Jim Hunt recapped the 3/15 Wine Tasting and Cigar Fellowship St. Patty’s Day celebration in collaboration with the Family of Rotary, attended by over 75 people, with special thanks to those who brought raffle prizes, wine and pot lucks, to Pete and Pam Samoulis, PP Karen and Tom Whisenhunt, and PP Tom Krob’s help who also donated a keg of Alaskan Amber beer; the event collected 30 cigars and raised almost $1,500, which brings to-date a total of almost $17k raised at Cigar Fellowships in conjunction with the Family of Rotary; PP David Thorson covered using the 30 collected cigars for an April cigar social at the USO with Nellis Air Force Base command teams, and he discussed the Wetzel Awards on 3/28;
  • Marie Walsh invited everyone to the upcoming 4/9 Breakfast with Books to help the beautiful children; Rene Gamero talked about our Project 150 Drop Your Drawers drive to help 6k homeless teenage Vegas high school students, and that 3/28 is the last day to bring to the meeting new undergarments, bras, socks, toiletries and feminine hygiene products for this drive, any questions to see Rene or Niki Bates; Kathy Mahon talked about the Stop the Bleed class 1 pm – 2 pm 3/23 at the University Medical Center; PE Jackie Thornhill announced her and Rosalee Hedrick’s success in meeting with Count’s Kustoms of the reality show Counting Cars and having about 5 of their members appear at our 4/27 Cuisine & Octane annual fundraiser at Celebrity Cars; Joakim Nyoni discussed the 25 Club socials to serve community dinner at the LV Rescue Mission on 3/27 4 pm – 6:15 pm, and on 4/18 6 pm – 8:30 pm for $39/person at Pinot’s Pallete in Town Square; President Jim then fined Joakim Nyoni regarding his photos in The Wheel showing the 25 Club donations of $300 to Three Square Food Bank which provides 900 meals, and $300 to Project 150 which provides a dozen family meal kits, to support those in need; Bill Houghton discussed our sponsored 12 amazing young people joining 388 other students going to the  Rotary Youth Leadership Awards 3/29 – 3/31, and whereas District 5300 appealed for our Club to bring 2 facilitators, we stepped up with Joakim Nyoni, Carey Grohs, Chan Lam, Tina Bishop, Michael Williams and Bill Houghton attending, and he thanked Kirk Alexander in being instrumental in coordinating things; President Jim called on Dan Adamson to explain going helicopter skiing last Saturday to check it off his bucket list, then fined him; Rosalee Hedrick and Janet Linder inducted our newest member Paul Kellogg III, who’s sponsored by PP Karen Whisenhunt;
  • The weekly drawing began at $6,793 plus this week’s donations.  The Ticket Winner was Kim Snyder who drew the winning card and won the jackpot, which she’s splitting with her tickets-buying-partner Deb Granda who brought Kim as her guest to the meeting; and the Lawry’s Bucks Winner was Shawn Noorda;
  • Francesca Gilbert introduced our program speaker Robin Smith, Chair SuperBuild, to share with us the whys and hows of one of the most participated International Events that District 5300 participates in SuperBuild.
  • President Jim presented our speaker with a “Share What You Can” award to benefit a veteran in need and adjourned the meeting.

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