The Wheel for May 9, 2019

by May 8, 2019The Wheel0 comments

The Wheel

Brett Lashbrook – Las Vegas Lights

Brett Lashbrook is the Owner and Chief Executive Officer of Las Vegas Lights Football Club (FC).

Prior to forming Lights FC, Lashbrook had an extensive background in soccer, which includes work at Major League Soccer’s headquarters in New York City as Special Assistant to the Commissioner’s Office & Legal Counsel.  He then served as the Chief Operating Officer for Orlando City Soccer Club, overseeing all business aspects of the club’s transition from the United Soccer League (USL) to Major League Soccer (MLS) – including finalization of plans for the club’s new 20,000-seat downtown stadium.  

Lashbrook’s extended family has called Las Vegas home for nearly 20 years.


Message From The President

Dear Rotarians,

There are times when I chose not to show how excited I am because I don’t want to offend people.  This is not one of those times.  WE WON THE GOVERNOR’S BELL for District 5300!!! I am exceptionally proud of our Club and I am very happy to report that your hard work has been recognized and rewarded by Governor John Chase.  You truly are People of Action and you deserve this award. 

What is the Governor’s Bell and why did we win it?  The Governor’s Bell is an annual challenge issued by the governor of Rotary District 5300.  Each year our governor sets a series of goals for the clubs in our district to complete. The goals are designed to help the club grow and strengthen itself within the community, District 5300 and Rotary International.  The general topics for this year’s award consist of: Club Service, Vocational Activities, Community Service, International Service, Youth/New Generations Service, Membership Development, the Rotary Foundation and Public Image.  Because of your hard work and dedication to our Club, we achieved the highest level in each category with maximum points earned in all but two categories (slackers). 

The Governor’s Bell has been in existence for six years.  We have won it three times and are the first club to win it in back to back years.  We have a lot of fun telling people that we are the best club in the world. For this Rotary year, we are objectively the best club in District 5300. Congratulations to each of you for a job well done.

Jim Kohl
95th President
Rotary Club of Las Vegas

Member Highlights

Scribe – May 2, 2019

Las Vegas Rotary Club Meeting: May 2, 2019

President Jim called the meeting to order. Andy Kuniyuki gave the invocation. Carey Grohs led the club in singing God Bless America, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. The Sergeant at Arms was PP Steve Linder:

  • Joakim Nyoni announced Randy Frost passed away peacefully on 4/29 surrounded by friends and family, and read the note Randy had his son Scott Frost pass on to Ted McAdam, addressed to the LVRC, and we rang the bell one last time for Randy;
  • President Jim encouraged members to share the live stream of our meeting on social media to share our message and our Club with others;
  • There were (1) International Rotarians, (1) visiting Rotarians and (9) Guests of Rotarians introduced;
  • At the Birthday Table announcing their birthdays for this month: Carey Grohs, PP Randy Campanale and Rene Gamero; Sidra Kain led us in singing Happy Birthday; President Jim fined PP Russ Swain and Arleen Sirois for sitting at the Birthday Table though it’s not their birthday;
  • President Jim’s announcements: the Corazon Super Build is 5/18; the District Conference is on 5/3-5/4; please submit People of Action campaign photos to President Jim, Francesca Gilbert or Adam Hommey;
  • Dan Adamson reported on the Foundation board meeting last week with the new slate of officers being President Randy Campanale, Vice President Dan Adamson, Secretary Bob Werner and Secretary Paul Kruger, and Gary Vaus was elected as our new board member; as of 3/31/19 our endowment has $2.13 million, which allows distributing $59,722 for local charities, an all-time high amount, to PE Jackie Thornhill’s incoming presidency, as the endowment minimum is $1.35 million that allows a $730,000 cushion; talk to Shawn Noorda or Dan Adamson to find out where you stand with the Tiberti Fellowship designation; PP Randy Campanale asked the general membership to ratify Gary Vaus’ appointment to the board, which we did;
  • Paul Maffey introduced this year’s Tiberti scholarship recipient, Justin DeLeon, a freshman at UNLV School of Engineering, who for the fall semester maintained a straight-A GPA and as of June 2018 has over 400 hrs of Las Vegas community service;
  • Janice Lencke recognized the Annual Fundraiser Committee members who made Cuisine & Octane a success, and next week will provide the final numbers from that fundraising; Janice gave special recognition to AE&ES owner Gary Bordman, and owner Walter Carnwright and Lani Lopez of AGR (Amusement Game Rentals), these two companies provided over $12,000 worth of product to our event; Walter then gave President Jim a check as an additional contribution to our fundraising;
  • Marie Walsh invited everyone to the upcoming Beckley Field Day on 5/3 1 pm – 3 pm at Will Beckley Elementary School; and Beckley ES is performing the Lion King play on 5/9–5/10 at 5:30 pm, to obtain tickets (free for children under 3) you can contact Marie; Carey Grohs discussed the Paint & Pinot Palette social postponement on a date TBA; PP Karen Whisenhunt reminded members of the approaching family-friendly Golf Putting Tournament on 5/19 11 am-2 pm at Angel Park Golf Club, $30/adult and $15/child under 10, includes the BBQ lunch, looking for golfers to sign-up by 5/5 – no experience necessary, and looking for more sponsors;
  • Speaking of golf, President Jim had Dan Adamson explain how he put the hurt on a lot of fellow players and won a little money at a recent golf tournament, then fined him; next was Kirk Holmes who now has a very happy life because he has a very happy wife, both seeing the Paul Harris plaque in Washington, DC (about a block from the White House) during their recent honeymoon, and Kirk was selected for a $200 unavoidable donation to the Club;
  • The weekly drawing began at $500 plus this week’s donations. The Ticket Winner was Jaime Goldsmith, who received a prize of $10, and the Lawry’s Bucks winner was Robert Brinton;
  • Kirk Alexander began the RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) presentation, with student program testimonials from Madison Kirkpatrick, Brooke D’Angelo and Erin Kobayashi Carey Groh’s foreign exchange student from Japan who after participating in our Highway Cleanup and learning of Rotary and RYLA, we were able to add to RYLA); Bill Houghton discussed RYLA objectives, and mentioned how some of the smaller RC’s sponsor 20 students to RYLA and asked our Club to consider increasing from 12 to 16 students to sponsor to future RYLA’s, and Carey Grohs provided a RYLA Facilitator testimonial;
  • President Jim presented our student speakers with a “Share What You Can” award to benefit a veteran in need and adjourned the meeting.

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