The Wheel for October 10, 2019

by Oct 10, 2019The Wheel0 comments

The Wheel

Kimberly Brodeur – Lieutenant LVMPD Corrections

Kimberly Brodeur is the Booking Lieutenant on C Platoon at the Clark County Detention Center (CCDC) with the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department.  118 law enforcement agencies can book inmates into CCDC, where the majority of the population is male and the average monthly bookings are now over 6,000. Kimberly has been a member of LVMPD for almost 20 years and has held numerous positions, such as Classification Sergeant, Field Services Officer, Control Room Operator, North Tower Bureau officer, South Tower Bureau officer, North Valley Complex Sergeant, Field Training Officer, Honor Guard member, Prisoner Transport for SEAC and SCAC, Terrorist Liaison officer, and was the Watch Commander at CCDC when Oct. 1, 2017 unfolded.  Kimberly also maintains Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, and Supervisory POST certificates.  She has been a part of numerous special projects and changes at the facility. 

Lt. Brodeur received her Bachelor’s Degree from Pacific University in Accounting and Japanese and a certificate from Nagoya Gakuin University for Japanese proficiency after studying abroad.  She received her Master of Science Degree at UNLV in Crisis and Emergency Management and also attended Northwestern University’s School of Police and Command Staff.  Kimberly also spent 11 years in the U.S. Army Reserves where she completed her career as Drill Sergeant.  She has also been a successful Realtor for 17 years for Century 21.  She has a blended family where they call themselves The Brodeur Bunch due to having six children and often an exchange student in their household.

Kimberly credits Rotary’s Youth Exchange Program for being the person she is today.  In 1991-92 she was an exchange student from a small, poor town in Idaho to Australia with an amazing Rotary mentor who always pushed and challenged her.  She is now the District 5300’s Youth Exchange Chair and is active in promoting the youth exchange program in hopes of changing other people’s lives.  Her own children have studied abroad in Switzerland, Argentina, and Taiwan.

Lt. Brodeur plans to retire from LVMPD in just over a year and wants to educate the community about the Clark County Detention Center and its impact on the community

Message From The President

Dear Rotarians,

This week, I want to share with you, the membership, the goals I have set for this year.

First, is the Canned Food Drive. The 25 Club has been working diligently to raise funds to help restock the Salvation Army food bank. Please support their efforts by attending the upcoming fundraisers, the Halloween Party, and the Cigar Social. Proceeds from both will benefit the Canned Food Drive. Please sign up in the Green Book to give an additional cash donation. Because, for the 14th straight year, losing to the Kiwanians is not an option!

Santa Clothes, yes, it is right around the corner. Our goal for this 24th year would be to clothe more kids with a bigger budget. Several grants have already come in and this goal seems to be well on its way!

For the Club, I have two goals. First, to start a Rotaract Club at one of the three colleges, UNLV, CSN or Nevada State. If any of you want to help, if you know anyone to speak with at any of these schools, please contact Bill Houghton or myself. We are currently working on a joint effort with another club.

Second, the new Rotary International project, Together, We Read, is just a natural extension of what we are currently doing and helps us realize our Club Mission Statement. We are actively participating in the pilot program and have had several productive meetings with Spread the Word Nevada as one of the potential community partners.

The two biggest year end goals are the District Governor’s Bell award (3rd year in a row) for large club and the Presidential Citation Platinum distinction.

These last two depend on the goals that I set early in the year. Some things we have already achieved, some will be realized toward the end of the year and still others are ongoing throughout the year.

We just introduced the 140 Project, our 4th quarter membership drive. It has been a while since we had a membership drive and the Membership Committee wanted to create a clearly defined project. This year our goal is 140 members, which equates to a net +9. We have had some resignations and some leaves of absence, so we wanted to incent the membership to invite some quality prospective members. You heard Rosalee Hedrick present the details of the 140 Project last week. I wanted to add that, even though classification is no longer a specific issue, we would, however, love to diversify the occupations of our members. Even though we are not a “Networking Club” as other groups in town, we nevertheless want to do business with people we like and trust. If you know people in the hotel industry, engineering, airport service, radio broadcasting, first responders, newspaper/magazine publishing, pool services, pet care, restaurants, sporting goods, to name just a few, invite them to lunch!

Let us show them what the spirit and heart of Rotary is. Let us show them what a welcoming club we are.

Let them see how Rotary connects the world!

Jackie Thornhill
Las Vegas Rotary Club

Member Highlights

Scribe – October 3, 2019

Las Vegas Rotary Club Meeting: October 3, 2019

  • President Jackie Thornhill called the meeting to order.
  • Marie Walsh gave the invocation;
  • Jerry Engel led the club in singing “Fly me to the Moon”, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance;
  • President Jackie led the club in the 4-Way Test;
  • The Sergeant at Arms was Toni Kern;
  • There were (0) International Rotarians, (1) visiting Rotarian and (5) Guests of Rotarians introduced;
  • President Jackie reminded the club about the Together, We Read Pilot Program. All Rotarians were encouraged to reach out to President Jackie, Toni Kern or Kathy Mahon to get involved. She also reminded the club of the International Convention in Hawaii. Additionally, there are no updates to 140 Project;
  • P.P. Jim Kohl did a special presentation of 100% attendance awards to Rotarians with perfect attendance ranging from one year to 23 years (P.P. Russ Swain!) President Jackie then introduced the birthday table and with Ted McAdams leading, the club sang happy birthday;
  • Rosalee Hendrick and Janet Linder welcomed our newest member Bert Reiner with a new member induction. Bert’s sponsor is P.P. Tom Krob. P.P. David Thorson did a special presentation to 4 of the 5 service members who received awards at the recent Wetzel Awards;
  • Anil Melnick donated one spot to meet a team member of the Golden Knights on the High Roller for auction. The proceeds of which were donated to the canned food drive. P.P. Russ Swain was the highest bidder at $75;
  • Rene Gamero reminded everyone about the canned food drive. Carey Grohs announced both the Halloween and holiday parties;
  • Marie Walsh announced that she was still collecting candy for the Beckley Harvest Festival on October 18th and is looking for volunteers for the Festival. She also reminded everyone of the October 8th Breakfast with Books;
  • P.P. Karen Whisenhunt reminded everyone that the Open World Program begins in two weeks and there will be a welcome dinner hosted;
  • Eric Astramecki reminded the club of the annual fundraiser committee meeting after the meeting to discuss next year’s fundraiser which is tentatively set for April 25th. Anil Melnick reminded the club about the upcoming UNLV tailgate;
  • Michael Williams reminded the club about the Peace Conference on November 16th at Treasure Island. Rosalee Hedrick reminded the club about the new member orientation on October 8th at the Linders’ home. P.P. Tom Krob announced the Cigar Social on October 25th. Bill Houghton reminded everyone about Teen Leadership Camp December 6-8th. Kirk Alexander announced a Super Build in Tecate on November 2nd;
  • The weekly drawing began at $1,447.00 plus this week’s donations. The Ticket Winner who received $10 was Bill Stieren; the Lawry’s Bucks went to Jaime Goldsmith. There were two additional raffles of golfing foursomes donated by Rosalee Hedrick and Nevada State Bank that went to Jordan Micev and Mike Cudiamat;
  • P.P. Michael Gordon introduced Kyle B. Rahn, President of United Way of Southern Nevada who discussed the efforts of United Way as well as the shift in focus through the organization including an emphasis on community needs;
  • President Jackie presented our speaker with a “Share What You Can” award to benefit the local USO and then adjourned the meeting.

  • Donate to California Fire First Responders and VictimsDonate Now

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