The Wheel for March 9, 2017

by Mar 9, 2017Blog, The Wheel1 comment

The Wheel

Dan Stover Music Competition

Each year musically talented high school students participate in a Rotary District 5300 program entitled The Dan Stover Memorial Music Scholarship, and winners qualify for educational awards that enable them to further their studies at an accredited college, university, or music conservatory upon high school graduation.The words of education and music transected in the life of Dan Stover, a secondary education professional whose musical talents were shared with his family, his community, and certainly with Rotary, at both the local and District levels.
Dan Stover was an educator who always placed the student first, and his obvious respect for his students transformed the lives of countless young people. He shared his love of learning with the young, providing them with positive role model for structuring their studies and lives.
Dan Stover was an accomplished musician, both as a vocalist and instrumentalist. He was as much at home in the finals of Barber Shop Quartet competitions as he was at the keyboard of his famous “Rotary” organ, serenading Club members and District Conferences with his unique musical wizardry.
Dan passed away shortly following the 1987 District Conference at which his friend and fellow Alhambra Rotarian, Dr. Tim Keen Siu, became District Governor. Dan was noticeably ill at the conference, but he played his heart out for Dr. Tim and others, knowing that the show must go on.
The Rotary Club of Alhambra, in the year following Dan’s death, established a Music Scholarship Program and Competition in Dan’s name. The program was proposed, organized, and championed by new Rotarian Christine Montan who, as Alhambra’s first female Rotarian, quickly recognized and appreciated the talent and effectiveness of Dan Stover as a Rotarian and as a person.
Under Rotarian Montan’s leadership, The Dan Stover Memorial Music Scholarship became a District program in the following year, and the rest is history. A whole generation of talented, young musicians have had the opportunity, in the name of Dan Stover, to compete against their peers, and earn funds to further their musical education.

Message From The President

Dear Rotarians,
The Dan Stover Music Competition is always one of my favorite programs each year. To see the talent and dedication of these young men and women really gives one confidence in our future!
And although not a music program, I also want to give a big shout out to Bob Fisher for his continuing support of our club through his Sunday radio show. In celebration of both, I thought I would provide another lyrical quiz. See if you can guess the title and songwriter/performer:

Begin the day with a friendly voice
A companion unobtrusive
Plays that song that’s so elusive
And the magic music makes your morning mood

Off on your way, hit the open road
There is magic at your fingers
For the spirit ever lingers
Undemanding contact in your happy solitude

All this machinery making modern music
Can still be open-hearted
Not so coldly charted
It’s really just a question of your honesty

One likes to believe in the freedom of music
But glittering prizes and endless compromises
Shatter the illusion of integrity

Invisible airwaves crackle with life
Bright antennae bristle with the energy
Emotional feedback on a timeless wavelength
Bearing a gift beyond price….
Almost free!

Enjoy today’s show!

David Thorson
President 2016 -2017
Las Vegas Rotary Club

Scribe – March 2, 2017

  • President David Thorson called the meeting to order.
  • Jimmelle Siarot gave the invocation. Jaime Goldsmith led the club in singing the National Anthem. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the Sergeant-at-Arms was Past President Jim Hunt.
  • There were (2) International Rotarians, (3) Visiting Rotarian and (4) Guests of\ Rotarians were introduced.
  • The drawing began at $4,892.00 plus this week’s donations. The winner gets half the pot and half goes to the Las Vegas Rotary Foundation. Ticket Winner: Marie Walsh who won $10! Lawry Bucks Winner: Jaime Goldsmith.
  • District Governor Elect Raghada Khoury and Deb Granda inducted new members Randy Kinnamon and Candace Balcom-Paulino.
  • Chris Bennett presented a grant in the amount of $9,766 to Randy Kitterman of the Salvation Army from the funds raised by the Canned Food Drive.
  • President David Thorson announced that District Conference is May 19-21, 2017 in Palm Springs.
  • Kirk Alexander announced that the Dan Stover Music Contest is in need of young musicians to participate. If you know any student that would qualify, please contact Kirk. The contest will be held on March 9, 2017.
  • President Elect Michael Gordon reminded the club that the 2nd Annual “Cars for a Cause” car show will be April 23, 2017 from 8am to 2pm. This is an “all hands on deck/100% participation” event. In addition to volunteers, we need Rotarians to bring their friends and neighbors.
  • Sarah Brown announced that the next Highway Clean Up will be March 25, 2017 at 8am.
  • Jackie Thornhill announced that the next Wetzel Awards will take place at 2:30pm on February 23, 2017 at Nellis AFB.
  • Past President Jim Hunt announced that the next cigar social will be held at Past President Tom Krob’s house on March 17, 2017.
  • Michael Williams read a letter we received from one of the students we are helping at Beckley through the Spread the Word Program combined with our Mentoring assistance.
  • Marie Walsh announced that the next Breakfast with Books will be on March 14, 2017 and the Beckley Reading Week is February 27-March 3, 2017.
  • Past President Mary Ann Avnet introduced the speaker, Angelo Capozzi, the founder of Rotaplast. The program began as the international project for the San Francisco Rotary Club in 1992. They have performed the operations in 26 countries and have conducted 219 missions.
  • President David Thorson presented the speaker with a “Sole Power Award” and adjourned

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