
President Bob O’Connell

Elmer Vacchina, who was elected to the presidency for the year 1974-75, was unable to even start his term as he was transferred to Reno before he could assume the presidency.  And so, Bob O’Connell was elevated to the post.  However, before Vacchina departed for Reno, he set the wheels in motion for the formation of a new club in the area.  It came to fruition some time later when the Paradise Club was given a charter.  Also while Vacchina was awaiting ascendancy to the headman’s spot, the club received recognition from the district convention when The Wheel, the bulletin of the club, was awarded a certificate of merit as one of the outstanding papers in the district.

It was during President Bob O’Connell’s term that the Bicentennial program was launched.  A Constitutional Congress was staged under the direction of Dean Cummings and his committee, and representatives of the various schools in Clark County participated in the event that brought forth a “Constitution” drafted entirely by those in attendance.  It was a huge success and drew praise from District Governor Barney Ingram.

A bus acquired for the crippled children’s program, and coordinated with this was the formation of a Boy Scout unit for the handicapped.  Dr. Gordon Tobin headed the committee in charge.

Territory for the new Paradise Club was ceded during the O’Connell term, and it became the only club that was chartered in the district during that year.  Walt Wehner was chairman of the committee in charge of the formation of the new group.  President Bob also whipped up great interest in the district conclave in Colorado, and the largest attendance of recent years was present at the sessions.  Two busloads of Rotarians and their spouses were in attendance.  The hospitality room set up by Jim Corey and Scott Wallace was the hit of the convention.  In addition, The Wheel, co-edited by John Beville, John F. Cahlan and Ray Germain was awarded top prize as the best in class of all the district bulletins.

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