
President Dr. Jim Jones

Dr. Jim Jones began his 1998-1999 year with a theme: “Rotary Grows Through Fellowship.”  He immediately assigned himself the Official Greeter of the Las Vegas Rotary Club.

Dr. J. was very fortunate to have a well-seasoned board of directors to handle the business of the club, and this they did with great expertise.  District Conference in Palm Springs was well attended and our club hosted the most successful hospitality suite at the meeting.  Also at District conference we presented a check for $8,900 to District Governor Lee Mothershead for The Rotary Foundation in honor of Past RI President Cliff Doctorman, the largest donation of any club in the district.

Again Bob McBrien and committee expanded the Operation Santa Clothes program for needy children; Kathy Dalvey Bonar took 18 high school students to RYLA, over 200 valedictorians from local high schools attended the ATS (Academically Talented Students) luncheon.  The club provided scholarships for Las Vegas area high school graduates.

Jim’s year ended at his demotion party at the Silk Purse Ranch where he was “extracted” from his throne (dental chair) by Bert Purdue, Ralph Rohay and Bert Blevins.

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