The Wheel for April 12, 2018
Listen to Nathan Harper – Archaeologist Springs Preserve
The Wheel
Nathan Harper – Archaeologist Springs Preserve
Nathan Harper has served as the Preserve Archaeologist at the Springs Preserve since 2010. Mr. Harper served as a lead team member on the restoration of four early Las Vegas Railroad Cottages and the development of the Boomtown 1905 project. Mr. Harper works to protect, research, and present prehistoric and historic cultural resources for the Springs Preserve, LVVWD, and SNWA. Mr. Harper holds Bachelor and Master degrees in anthropology from Wichita State University. Mr. Harper was a Fulbright Fellow to Cyprus in 2001 and a member of the American School of Classical Studies in Athens from 2007-2009. Nathan has conducted field research in Mexico, Cyprus, Greece, Turkey, Israel and Jordan and museum and archival research at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, National Anthropological Archives, American Museum of Natural History in New York, Rockefeller Museum in Jerusalem, École Biblique et Archéologique Française de Jérusalem, Jordan Archaeological Museum, and the Cyprus Museum in Nicosia.
Message From The President
The Las Vegas Rotary Club 95th Anniversary Celebration Photos
Member Highlights
Scribe – March 29, 2018
Las Vegas Rotary Club Meeting: March 29, 2018
- President Michael Gordon (aka Lawry’s head waiter, Cesar) called the meeting to order followed by Lawry’s head waiter aka President Michael Gordon continuing to conduct our meeting in honor of April Fools Day. Steve Kwon gave the invocation. Jaime Goldsmith led the club in singing our National Anthem, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. The Sergeant at Arms was Arleen Sirois.
- President Michael presented the Four Way Test coin to Arleen Sirois for her involvement in many sustainability projects.
- There were (1) International Rotarians, (2) visiting Rotarians and (4) Guests of Rotarians introduced.
- The weekly drawing began at $1,313 plus this week’s donations. The Ticket Winner was Janet Linder who won $10 and the Lawry’s Bucks Winner was Jim Tucker who graciously donated the Bucks for beverages at the 95th Anniversary Party.
- Jerry Sennes reported another successful and fun highway clean up followed by fellowship and brunch at his home.
- Membership chairs Rosalee Hedrick and Janet Linder inducted three new members into the Club: Krystal Warner, Chan Lam, and Andy Kuniyuki. The next New Membership Orientation will be held on May 2, 2018, at 6 p.m. at Jerry Engel’s home
- PP Karen Whisenhunt announced the Putting Tournament on May 6th at Angel Park and awarded a prize to Luci Parodi for guessing the vital statistics and birth of President Michael and First Lady Amanda Gordon’s son Samuel James Gordon. Congratulations to the sleep deprived, but entertained parents!
- PE Jim Kohl reminded members to share the announcement about the Annual Car Show scheduled for April 5th at Celebrity Cars and that a sign-up sheet will be circulated for volunteers to help at the show.
- PP Tom Krob announced the GCE team from India will be here April 13th; Marie Walsh announced the last Breakfast With Books for the academic year will be held April 10th and encouraged members to sign up for this great event.
- Janice Lencke provided updates to the 95th Anniversary party – RI Representative John Matthews and DG Raghada Khoury will attend, doors open at 5:45 p.m. and business or cocktail attire are encouraged. Photos will be available thanks to Jaime Goldsmith.
- Kirk Holmes encouraged members to attend the Weekly Car Show March 31 st and help advertise The Annual Car Show by handing out flyers.
- PP Randy Donald reconfirmed the Vocational Networking Event for March 29th providing members an opportunity to meet and to share what they do
- PP Randy Campanale introduced our speaker program, LVRF PE Paul Kruger and LVRF Trustee Paul Maffey, each of whom discussed different aspects of our Club’s Foundation and the history behind the Tiberti Foundation, including the broad spectrum
of accomplishments of Mr. Tiberti, and the Tiberti Scholarship, and how to become a Tiberti Fellow. - President Michael Gordon (and Head Waiter Cesar) presented our speakers with a “Share What You Can” award to benefit a veteran in need and then adjourned the meeting.