The Wheel for April 19, 2018

by Apr 19, 2018The Wheel0 comments

Listen to Liam Frink – Executive Director, UNLV Office of Undergraduate Research

The Wheel

Liam Frink – Executive Director, UNLV Office of Undergraduate Research

Executive Director, UNLV Office of Undergraduate Research

Liam Frink’s research and scholarship interests include Arctic prehistory and colonial history. His current work has two main trajectories. He conducts ethnoecological field research in western Alaska and works in Yup’ik Eskimo villages where people continue to hunt, fish, and gather with many of the same subsistence techniques and tools that would have been used prehistorically.

He is particularly interested in how technology has changed as well as the social, economic, and health context of these various technologies. A primary goal of his interdisciplinary modern field- and lab-based studies is to better identify archaeological signatures as well as to pique new questions of the past material record. In addition to these studies, he is interested in the colonial period and the processes of change and persistence among native people. For these studies, he gathers interview data with elders who have interacted with early colonial institutions and practices as well as conducts archival and museum research.

Message From The President

Dear Rotarians,

Paul Percy Harris was born on this day (April 19) in 1868 in Wisconsin. He graduated 1891 from the University of Iowa with a Bachelor of Laws degree. After working some odd jobs, he began his law practice in 1896 in Chicago’s main business district.

According to Harris, he was invited to dinner at the home of a professional friend. After dinner, the two took a stroll through the neighborhood. During this walk, his friend introduced him to the various tradesmen in their stores. It was this event that made Harris wonder, “ Why not have a fellowship composed of businessmen from different occupations, without restrictions of politics or religion?”

On February 23, 1905, Paul Harris formed the first club with three other businessmen: Silvester Schiele, a coal merchant; Gustavus Loehr, a mining engineer; and Hiram Shorey, a merchant tailor. Paul Harris named the new club “Rotary” because members met in rotation at their various places of business.

Today, 112 years after its international formation, we still enjoy that camaraderie and friendship – especially in our service to the youth of Las Vegas.

Michael Gordon
95th President
Rotary Club of Las Vegas


Member Highlights

Scribe – March 8, 2018

Las Vegas Rotary Club Meeting: April 12, 2018

  • President Michael Gordon called the meeting to order. Sidra Kain gave the invocation. PP Ginger Anderson led the club in singing God Bless America, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. The Sergeant at Arms was Rosalee Hedrick
  • There were (2) International Rotarians, (4) visiting Rotarians and (1) Guests of Rotarians introduced, as well as Ajay Agrawal, the Group Leader for the GCE Team, and four team members: Anmol Shrivastava, Montek Hura, Neha Ramani & Awleen Chawla.
  • The weekly drawing began at $1,469 plus this week’s donations. The Ticket Winner was PP Brock Fraser who won $10 and the Lawry’s Bucks Winner was Jaime Goldsmith.
  • The April Birthday table members were acknowledged.
  • Anil Melnick reported on the great success and attendance at the 95th Anniversary Party and thanked his committee for all the help in making it a wonderful celebration.
  • Rosalee Hendrick reported the success of the Networking Event at PP Randy Donald’s home with about 20 people, sharing their business activities and exchanging great information.
  • Marie Walsh announced the last Breakfast With Books for the 2017-18 academic year was a wonderful success with 700 books read by the children in one month, noting attendance of 180 children/84 adults and Principal Shannon Brown confirmed the last Breakfast With Books was the most successful, providing Club members with some upcoming events including Field Day and Testing.
  • Chris Bennett announced the success of the Club’s first March Madness that raised $675 for the Las Vegas Rotary Foundation and Club member winners Tina Bishop, Matt Nelson and Tom Lloyd.
  • Membership chair Janet Linder reminded the Club the Membership Orientation will be held on May 2 at 6 p.m. at Jerry Engel’s home announcing 5 new members have been inducted since the last Orientation; PP Karen Whisenhunt announced the Putting Tournament on May 6th at Angel Park with proceeds to the Rotary Youth Exchange Program; PE Jim Kohl reminded members to share the announcement about the Annual Car Show scheduled for April 15th at Celebrity Cars and volunteers still needed to help at the show; PP Tom Krob reminded members about the Indian GCE team bbq at his home on April 13th ; Ted McAdam provided information on the upcoming tour at Creech AFB on May 29; PP Dave Thorson reminded members of the Debunking Party for President Michael on June 28th, hosting military at a Las Vegas Lights game on June 2nd ; and the Dan Stover Regional Competition on April 21st with PP Mary Ann Avnet and PP Caty Crockett volunteering to attend and support our contestant.
  • 25 Club President Kirk Holmes provided insight into the important role of WestCare in our So. Nevada community to those with addiction and homeless issues, the personal meaning to him, and the desperately needed funds to keep the program from being closed.
  • PP Karen Whisenhunt introduced our speaker program, Nathan Harper, Preserve Archeologist at the Springs Preserve. He provided a historical background and development of the Railroad Cottages and their relationship to Rotary, discussing the architectural and interior details of the relocation of 4 cottages to the Springs Preserve and the building of ‘Boom Town’ which members had the special opportunity to see later that evening with ‘Tour Guide’ Nathan, including an inside view of the cottages of the Tiberti family and Dr. Jones
  • President Michael Gordon presented our speaker with a “Share What You Can” award to benefit a veteran in need and then adjourned the meeting.

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