The Wheel For February 25, 2021

by Feb 25, 2021The Wheel0 comments

Listen to Mathew Seltzer – The Creative Catalyst

The Wheel

Mathew Seltzer – The Creative Catalyst

Matt Seltzer is a market researcher and marketing strategist, and the owner of S2 Research, a Las Vegas-based market research consulting firm that works with small to medium-sized advertising, marketing, digital and public relations agencies.

A lifelong Las Vegan and proud graduate of UNLV (Go Rebels!), Matt’s overseen research and marketing projects across a variety of industries, including travel and tourism, gaming, hospitality, consumer goods and services, for-profit education and commercial real estate. Before starting S2, he spent four years as the senior market research analyst for the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority, and before that held marketing and research roles at agencies like MassMedia and R&R Partners. He’s also taught marketing, communications and market research courses at the Associate’s and Bachelor’s levels, and holds degrees and certifications himself in marketing, organizational psychology, data analysis and data visualization.

Branding himself “The Market Research Partner for Marketers,” in 2019 Matt started S2 Research to work with marketing teams and help them incorporate strategic market research services into their thinking, consistently producing better marketing programs as a result.

Message From The President

Dear Rotarians,

Spring Training

This week is the most anticipated week of the year for baseball fans, the start of spring training. Whatever happened last year is now in the record books and whatever will happen this year presents an endless number of possibilities. Just as the earth and its environment are being reborn after a cold and dark winter season, and the days are longer, sunnier, and warmer, so too baseball is coming back to life. While other major sports may have faster action and pageantry connected to their contests, baseball is the only major sport that aligns with the earth’s seasons. If you have ever taken a trip to a cactus league spring training game in Arizona, you know how great it feels to be outside in the sunshine, on the bleachers, watching the players who you know as well as the promising prospects from up close.

Since we probably can’t enjoy baseball spring training in person until the situation with the virus improves, let’s do the next best thing. Let’s all report to Rotary spring training. Let’s all look around and take stock of the things that we can do after we dust off the accumulation of a Covid-19 winter. One of our mottos is that we are people of action. The off-season is over, and it’s time to start swinging for the fences putting together major projects, running the bases providing service to those in need in our community, and showing our pitching prowess getting others on board with our projects.

If your Rotary life is looking like an old-time baseball player’s off-season beer belly, it’s time to report to spring training and get in shape!

Richard Jost
Las Vegas Rotary Club

Member Highlights

Scribe – February 18, 2021

Las Vegas Rotary Club Meeting: February 18, 2021

President Richard Jost called the meeting to order.

PP Tom Thomas gave the invocation.

Ray Charles led the club in singing “America The Beautiful.”, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

The Sergeant at Arms was Bhavan Singh.

President Richard Jost thanked the members who performed meeting duties.

There was one guest of Rotarians introduced, Nicole Borghi.

The drawing began at $2973 plus this week’s donations.  The Ticket Winner was David Mullin who received a prize of $10 and the Lawry’s Bucks Winner was PP Jim Hunt who was attending virtually and received his Lawry’s bucks immediately as they were handed to him through the cloud.







  • Breakfast with Books – Marie Walsh provided the total for the month of January. Kids read along with Spread the Word with 635 families involved. Best this year!
  • Reading Week – an email went out. There is no middleman, just get in touch with the librarian at Beckley – . Members will read to children online using the Zoom meeting platform.
  • President Richard reminded members that Rotary masks, and license plate frames are still available.
  • Wheelchair foundation – 300 wheelchairs going up to Northern Nevada. “Keep Nevada Rolling”. We are getting Northern Nevada up and moving. Many thanks to all from John Williams.
  • Brian Sorrentino introduced our program speaker Stuart Sobek of Las Vegas Concours d ‘Elegance, who is a fellow Rotarian and shared with the members what it takes to put on a competition of elegance. It began back in 17th century France. Aristocrats loved a good wager and would display their fancy carriages to be judged. Today it has evolved to coveted motorcars and there are about 45 shows across the world with car collectors from all over the world. We now have a world class Las Vegas concourse, the Superbowl of car shows in a one-day event. A rich presentation of fabulous cars and car owners was provided to the members with an invitation to attend the show.
  • President Richard Jost presented our speaker with a “Share What You Can” award to benefit a veteran in need and then adjourned the meeting.

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