The Wheel for February 27, 2020

by Feb 27, 2020The Wheel0 comments

The Wheel

4-Way Test Speech Contest







Of all the things we think, say or do:
Is is the TRUTH?
Is it FAIR to all concerned?
Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

The purpose of The 4-Way Speech Contest is:

  • To aquaint a large number of young people with Rotary and The
    4-Way Test
  • To determine and enhance Rotary’s commitment to our youngsters
  • To heighten awareness of Rotary additionally among parents,
    schools and community
  • To recognize, encourage and reward hard work and accomplishments
    of youngsters.

Message From The President

Dear Rotarians,

Today we have the pleasure of hearing four local high school students compete in our 4 Way Test Speech Contest. As Rotary was determining its path early in its founding, members became concerned about promoting ethics in their professional lives. Our 4 Way Test was created by Rotarian and Past International President, Herbert J Taylor in 1932. His 24-word test became for his employees a simple blueprint to follow in their business and professional lives. The 4 Way Test was a guide in all business disciplines such as sales, production, advertising and customer relations for their company which was facing bankruptcy. Since its adoption by Rotary in 1943, The 4-Way Test has been translated into more than a hundred languages and published in thousands of ways.

Here are those 4 Questions:

1. Is it the Truth?
2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

In Rotary’s 4 Way Test Speech competition, high school students are asked to write their perspectives of the 4 Way Test. “Understanding, appreciating, and expressing the true meaning of the Four-Way Test is the most important aspect of each speech. Many times, the students’ thoughtful speeches unravel the complexities of the Four-Way Test in new and innovative ways.” Over my 10 years of hearing the speeches, I certainly concur that the student interpretations are innovative. I have also noticed that depending on what is going on in the world at the time, some speeches reflect that environment. I have also found that some of the speeches are both true to the task while also entertaining and informative. I, and club members sitting around me have shared many of the same sentiments.

We were very fortunate and proud to have had the District winner of last years’ event representing our club! I remember sitting in the ballroom in Anaheim and listening to all 5 competitors and just knowing that we had the clear winner. Her speech was a good as I had ever heard and her interpretation of the 4 Way Test resonated, certainly with the judges, but with everyone in the audience that day.

So, as we listen to the competitors today, I look forward in anticipation to what these students have written, their delivery, passion, enthusiasm and most of all we hope to see our future leaders whether here in Las Vegas or wherever their journeys take them. Of course, all the while remembering those 24 words and living by them in their daily lives.

In closing, I came across an article by Joseph Epstein posted on, which I will quote the opening statement. “I only recently learned of The Four-Way Test, one of Rotary’s central principles. It is of special interest in the current day, when truth — or, more precisely, truthfulness — seems to be losing its prestige in public life.”

Jackie Thornhill
Las Vegas Rotary Club

Member Highlights

Scribe – February 20, 2020

Las Vegas Rotary Club Meeting: February 20, 2020

  • President Jackie Thornhill called the meeting to order.
  • Jerry Engel and Arleen Sirois gave the invocation.
  • Brian Sorrentino led the club in singing “Home on the Range”, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
  • Kirk Alexander was the Sergeant-At-Arms.
  • We had 3 visiting International Rotarians, 2 visiting Rotarians and 3 Guests of Rotarians introduced.
  • The weekly drawing began at ­­­­­­­­­$4781 plus this week’s donations. The ticket winner was Dan Adamson. Val Hatley won the Lawry’s Bucks.
  • President Jackie Thornhill announcements/reminders:
    • International Convention held in Hawaii on June 6-10 and is filling up quickly
    • District Conference is in in Pasadena May 1-3. Registration is open – celebrate the 100th
    • Your quarterly and monthly contributions help fund programs keep our projects moving. Please consider donating to the permanent fund.
    • Remember to recycle Wheels and tickets.
    • Foundation Paul Harris Fellow match by club up to 500 points. See Melanie Muldowney.
    • Please keep the green book moving for service sign up.
    • Super Bowl winners were PP Karen Whisenhunt, Walter Parrish, Carolyn Sparks and Gary Miller.
  • Melanie Muldowney shared info on Foundation matching period. Great time to move up to the next Paul Harris level. Presented Paul Harris to PP Jim Kohl and Val Hatley.
  • Principal Stanica Stretenovic from Bracken ES announced Science Fair projects are now displayed with Rotary Judges signing up in the green book.
  • Rosalee Hedrick inducted new member Michael Branchini with sponsor PP Michael Gordon.
  • 25 Club President Carey Grohs 25 Club Social Feb 25th 6PM at the Neon Museum. Tickets $40 with $10 supporting Destiny’s Rescue. Please sign up.
  • Marie Walsh Breakfast with Books scheduled March 10 Reading Week 3/2-3/6 Please sign up.
  • PP Karen Whisenhunt Mayor’s Cup of 15,000 children between 14-19 from USA and 17 international countries. Rotary families hosted 19 German students whose team won the soccer tournament!
  • PP Kathy Dalvey ARC Blood Drive Feb 28th 10 AM-3:30 PM sign up in the green book or at code: Rotary. Donors receive $25 in Lawry’s Bucks. More donors needed.
  • PP Jim Hunt 21st Patrick’s Cigar Social Friday March 13th 6 PM bring 3 Cigars hosted at Kirk Holmes home.
  • Michael Williams RYLA Weekend March 20-22 in CA hosting 15 students. More volunteers needed.
  • PP Kathy Dalvey District Conference May 1-3 at the Pasadena Westin. Pasadena Club is hosting and celebrating their 100th Please attend: Room rates $169 and to purchase all the meals $240.
  • PE Richard Jost introduced April 25 Cuisine & Octane Annual Fundraising Event sponsor Nevada State Bank Rosalee Hedrick, NSB Business Relationship Manager and Megan Comfort, NSB Senior Vice President of Small Business and SBA lending.
  • President Jackie Thornhill introduced the panel of speakers honoring President’s Day week featuring good works of 14 LVRC Past Presidents with moderator Russ Swain: Caty Crockett 95-96 (first female LVRC President), Tom Thomas 99-00, Jim Hunt 01-02, Jim Tucker 02-03, Kathy Dalvey 03-04, Brock Fraser 06-07, Randy Campanale 07-08, Russ Swain 08-09, Karen Whisenhunt 09-10, Randy Donald 12-13, Ginger Anderson 13-14, Steve Linder 14-15, Michael Gordon 17-18, and Jim Kohl 18-19. Common themes: Presidential citations, District 5300’s best club, streamlining efforts, upping previous best, alleviating traumatic events, and leading a fabulous team of Rotarians to raise $100,000s to support hundreds of projects teaching youth to succeed through literacy, education and life skills development.


President Jackie Thornhill adjourned the meeting.

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