The Wheel for July 18, 2019
Listen to Audrey Damonte & Jim Puzey – Holley Driggs Law Firm
The Wheel

Audrey Damonte & Jim Puzey – Holley Driggs Law Firm
Nevada lawmakers have wrapped up the 80th Session of the Nevada Legislature. How will the decisions made in Carson City impact YOUR business here? What will these actions mean for our LOCAL community we call home? Find out on Thursday, July 18, 12 noon at Lawry’s The Prime Rib when the Las Vegas Rotary welcomes two prominent Nevada attorneys, James W. Puzey, Esq. and Audrey Damonte, Esq., from the law firm of Holley, Driggs, Walch, Fine, Puzey, Stein & Thompson. Mr. Puzey is a shareholder with extensive expertise in commercial litigation, construction law, gaming law, water law, land use, and alternative dispute resolution. He has counseled clients in a full range of commercial and business disputes and has appeared before the Nevada Supreme Court and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Before joining Holley, Driggs, Walch, Fine Wray, Puzey & Thompson law firm, Ms. Damonte served as Associate General Counsel and Director of Government Relations for more than 10 years with International Game Technology (IGT) and has extensive expertise in government relations, legislative affairs, regulatory licensing and compliance, campaign finance, business law and disputes, and gaming law. Her knowledge has been pivotal in the passage of key legislation in multiple jurisdictions. She also provides counsel for real property, water and agricultural law, wills, trusts, and probate matters. Our legal guests will discuss key bills passed in our state’s capital and how these changes will affect your employees, your operation and your bottom line. This timely overview will include changes stemming from bills passed by the State Senate, State Assembly, and approved by Governor Sisolak, timing implications, and how to make sure your business is in compliance by the effective dates of the new laws. The meeting will be held at Lawry’s The Prime Rib at 4043 Howard Hughes Parkway, Las Vegas, NV 89169. Please visit for additional details.
Message From The President
Member Highlights
Tom Thomas received a second level major donor pin and awarded his daughter Lane with her third Paul Harris Fellow.
PP Jim Kohl presented representatives from the Junior Golf Association with a check from his firm Howard & Howard.
t President Jackie’s head table was Michael Gordon, our speaker Brenda Cressey and our District 5300 Governor Luanne Arredondo.
Scribe – July 11, 2019
- President Jackie Thornhill called the meeting to order. Aaron Overton gave the invocation, Kim Nyoni led us singing “Take me home, Country Roads, Bill Houghton was the Sargent-At-Arms;
- President Jackie encouraged members to participate in the Facebook live stream;
- Two (2) International Rotarians Five (5) visiting Rotarians and six (6) Guests of Rotarians were introduced;
- President Jackie introduced the head table, DG Lu Arredondo, Rotary International Foundation Chair, Brenda Cressey and AG PP Michael Gordon.
- President Jackie reminded about the Charter party for the Rotary Club of Las Vegas After Hours party Friday evening and the Appreciation Party for PDG John Chase on Saturday. Info on Facebook;
- PP Jim Kohl presented a check to the Southern Nevada Junior Golf Association for $5000 from Howard & Howard and the Las Vegas Rotary Foundation;
- President Jackie welcomed the Birthday table. Arleen Sirois, Kathy Dalvey, Steve Linder, and Paul Maffey; Kim Nyoni sat at the table and joked that his birthday was in January and led the birthday song. He was fined $97;
- Jimmelle Siarot announced the upcoming Alpine Picnic scheduled for July 27th from 11:00 to 4:00pm at PP Tom Thomas’ cabin at Lee Canyon. She asked for a volunteer to grill and to sign up in the green book;
- Kim Nyoni reminded the club of the graduation of 25 club members and celebration of President Jackie as the new President tonight at Tommy Bahamas at 4:30;
- Arleen Sirois missed drawing the joker in the raffle and Marie Walsh won the Lawry Bucks;
- RI Foundation Chair Brenda Cressey was introduced by AG PP Michael Gordon and her remarks lasted approximately 20 minutes. Paul Harris presentations immediately followed;
- PHF Presentations were led by President Jackie and RI Foundation Chair Brenda Cressey;
- Kim Nyoni PHF+1
- Howie Hopkinson PHF+1
- Kirk Alexander PHF+2
- Bruce Frazey PHF+3
- Jacqueline Thornhill PHF+3
- Anil Melnick PHF+3
- PP Randy Donald PHF+5
- Bob Barnard PHF+6
- John Ingeme PHF+6
- PP Jim Kohl PHF+7
- Ed Lepere PHF+7
- PP Ginger Anderson PHF+8
- Rose Falocco PHF+8 and Bequest Level 2
- PP Tom Thomas Major Donor Level 2
- Chris Rodenfels presented to his son Connor Rodenfels his first PHF
- Tom Thomas presented to his five children PHF+3 with his daughter Lane present;
- RI Foundation Chair Brenda Cressey took questions;
- President Jackie presented RI Foundation Chair Brenda Cressey with the Las Vegas Rotary Club flag;
- President Jackie adjourned the meeting