The Wheel for June 11, 2020
Listen to Club Assembly 2019-2020 Year in Review
The Wheel
Club Assembly 2019-2020 Year in Review
Message From The President
Dear Rotarians,
There are just two regular meeting remaining in my year. This week you will hear about the accomplishments of your individual Board members. We had our first Club Assembly last December, which was a summary of the first 6 months. Now we get to close out our year with the accomplishments of the entire year.
As I have often said, when I met with the Past Presidents during my PEE and PE year to take advantage of their experiences, I was so grateful for their council, mentorship and genuine desire to help me be the best President I could be.
In all my discussions, there were three universal points:
1. Begin and End the meeting on time. Check
2. Your President year will be the best you ever have in your Rotary career. Check
3. You will have one big thing during your year.
Well, I really had three, but the first two paled in comparison to the coronavirus and its directives. Checkmate.
Making the decision to cancel live events and go virtual was the right thing to do. However, I and many members likely began to feel as the weeks stretched into months, was this a new normal for our club as well as most clubs worldwide? Still cannot answer that question, but cancellation of our District Conference and the International Convention made that a possibility.
It is my goal to bring our club back to the greatness we have known for the last 97 years, end my year on a high note and pass the baton to Incoming President Richard Jost.
Please enjoy the Board members reports and our accomplishments in this week’s Wheel.
A special thank you to:
• Shawn Noorda for keeping the club running smooth and listening to me.
• Marie Walsh and John Ingeme for running our weekly raffle.
• Dr Andy Kuniyuki as Speakers Chair, some of the best speakers I have heard.
• Fawn Chandler for producing the Wheel each week.
• The whole gang at Bolt Goodly for weekly website and podcast updates.
Jackie Thornhill
Las Vegas Rotary Club
Scribe – June 4, 2020
Las Vegas Rotary Club Meeting: June 4, 2020
- President Jackie Thornhill called the meeting to order via Facebook/Zoom Live Stream Event.
- Stu Lipoff gave the invocation.
- Kirk Holmes was Sergeant at Arms
- Janna Velasco was Scribe
- President Jackie Thornhill The Star-Spangled Banner followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. She then led us in reciting the 4-Way Test.
- Toni Kern inducted out newest member Inga Almquist.
- Ted McAdam led the celebration of the June Birthday table members.
- President Jackie Thornhill announcements and reminders:
- People of Action campaign is still on going so send photos to President Jackie.
- Monthly and Quarterly contributions are due and needed for the upcoming year.
- Lawry’s is preparing to open June 12, and President Jackie will contact Ed early in the upcoming week to discuss options for our weekly Rotary lunch meetings. We may meet on June 18. There will be a new seating chart, details to come.
- Check the virtual green book for scheduled upcoming meetings.
- There are still openings for articles in the Virtual Craft Talk section of the Wheel. Please submit a 250 maximum word document with a picture and logo if you would like to be featured.
- Toni Kern shared the June Membership Orientation is scheduled for 6.16.20 at Jerry Engel’s house 6 PM. Please RSVP by June 9th.
- President Elect Richard Jost:
- Virtual Rotary International Convention will be held June 20-26. Live sessions begin at 6 AM. Optimistic that the sessions will be re-broadcast later in the day.
- New District 5300 assembly are being conducted virtually, all board of directors are strongly encouraged to join, and all members are welcome. 6.25.20
- Melanie Muldowney reminded that the foundation match is good until 6.30.20. 50% up to 500 points contact Melanie or Shawn for details!
- President Jackie Thornhill:
- There is a Highway Cleanup scheduled for 6.20.20. RSVP required, Jerry will provide brunch.
- Past President Jim Kohl said Save the Date. President Jackie’s debunking is scheduled for 6.25.20. Will be at Rose Falocco’s house. If you would like you can attend via Zoom.
- Rob Telles introduced our Speaker, Lynn Goya, Clark County Clerk since 2015. Lynn shared with us the many improvements that have been made in her office since 2015 based on community feedback she heard while campaigning. The approximate 72,000 weddings held yearly in Clark County bring 2.5 billion in revenue to our local economy. Lynn has streamlined the licensing and recording into one office. Doing so made it possible to support the industry more efficiently and keep the most accurate of records. Her focus now is to digitize the entire historical library so one may google for any record they may need. She will be sharing her power point with us so look for that via email.
- President Jackie Thornhill adjourned the meeting.