The Wheel for March 12, 2020

by Mar 12, 2020The Wheel0 comments

The Wheel

4-Way Test Speech Contest – Area Competition

Of all the things we think, say or do:
Is is the TRUTH?
Is it FAIR to all concerned?
Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Message From The President

Dear Rotarians,

2020 District Assembly and Conference
Friday, May 1, 2020 to Sunday, May 3, 2020
Location: Westin Pasadena
191 N Los Robles Ave.
Pasadena, CA 91101
(626) 792-2727
9:30 AM – 2:30 PM
Check in 8:30 am

End Date: Monday, May 4, 2020
Last Day to Book: Wednesday, April 8, 2020
Hotel(s) offering your special group rate:
The Westin Pasadena for $169 USD per night
As of Saturday, February 29th there were only 20 rooms remaining at the group rate.
Go to to register

The purpose of the district conference is to engage members at all levels, from your most-senior leaders to the newest club members. The event should recognize accomplishments of members, clubs, and the district in order to inspire all to become more involved, to give them a vision of Rotary beyond the club level, and to provide a memorable fellowship experience. (A few surprises are in the making). Let’s Celebrate together!

This year’s event will mark the 100th Anniversary of the Pasadena Rotary Club. They were also the first club in the District. Some of the special events that will take place during the 3 days are: District Assembly on the first morning to early afternoon will be directed by the District Governor Elect, Greg Jones. This is his introduction to planned activities during his year. The President’s Elect and their Board of Directors are encouraged to attend. One of the most important sessions of this day is the Grants Workshop. Attendance by the President Elect and at least one Board of Director is necessary to sign the MOU in order to qualify our club to receive District Grants for the upcoming year. Our Club has been the recipient of many District Grants over the years so let’s keep up the good work.

The remainder of the weekend, District Conference will be a celebration of not just the Pasadena Club’s major accomplishment, but a celebration of all the clubs! Our District Awards, which I am working on at a feverish pace, will be awarded. The Prestigious Governor’s Bell will also be awarded. Our club is in the large club category and we will be in direct competition with the Pasadena Club. We have won two years in a row; can we make it three?

Saturday night will be the District Foundation Gala. So, bring your fancy duds and your best celebration attitude. We are in for a weekend of Birthday Fun, awards, celebration, saying goodbye to our amazing District Governor Lu Arredondo and hello to our next District Governor, Greg Jones.

Jackie Thornhill
Las Vegas Rotary Club

Member Highlights

Scribe – March 5, 2020

March 5, 2020

  • President Jackie Thornhill called the meeting to order.
  • Judith Pinkerton gave the invocation.
  • Sidra Kain led the club in singing “My Country Tis of Thee”, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
  • Mike Cudiamat was the Sergeant-At-Arms.
  • We had 2 International visiting Rotarians, 2 visiting Rotarians and 5 Guests of Rotarians were introduced.
  • The weekly drawing began at ­­­­­­­­­$5,185 plus this week’s donations. PP Russ Swain missed the Joker. Jaime Goldsmith won the Lawry’s Bucks.
  • President Jackie Thornhill announcements/reminders:
    • International Convention held in Hawaii in June 6-10 is filling up quickly
    • District Conference is in in Pasadena May 1-3. Registration is open – celebrate the 100th
    • Your quarterly and monthly contributions help fund programs keep our projects moving. Please consider donating to the permanent fund.
    • Remember to recycle Wheels and tickets.
    • Please keep the green book moving for service sign up. Use the QR code in the green book to sign up for events online.
  • PP Jim Kohl and President Jackie Thornhill presented $6,500 to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.
  • PP Brock Fraser presented Mercedes Hilbrecht with a Paul Harris Plus 2 in honor of Ty Hilbrecht.
  • Rosalee Hedrick announced the induction of a new member Adrick Akoopie.
  • Keri Serrano shared Wetzel Awards March 26th 3-4PM meet @the Nellis Visitor Center 2:30 PM.
  • Birthday table was celebrated with Sidra Kain leading in song.
  • Jerry Sennes announced Highway Clean Up March 28th at 9 AM with brunch to follow at his home.
  • Deb Granda Blood Drive a big success 21 pints of blood collected.
  • Marie Walsh Breakfast with Books March 10th
  • Melanie Muldowney can help look up your current Paul Harris level and assist you in using matching club points( up to 500) to get you to the next level though 6/30/2020.
  • PP Jim Hunt 21st Patrick’s Cigar Social Friday March 13th 6 PM bring 3 Cigars hosted at Kirk Holmes home. Humidor with LV Rotary logo will be an auction item. Rotary alumni will be invited this year. Proceeds to the Foundation.
  • Michael Williams RYLA Weekend March 20-22 in CA hosting 15 students. More volunteers needed.
  • President Jackie Thornhill District Conference May 1-3 at the Pasadena Westin. Pasadena Club is hosting and celebrating their 100th Please attend. Discounted rooms are going fast. Please get online and sign up.
  • Brian Sorrentino April 25 Cuisine & Octane Annual Fundraising Event tickets are $100 for all the food and drink you’d like. Will be fantastic event. Partnering with the USO.
  • Judith Pinkerton announced the contestants in the Dan Stover Music Competition a District wide event since 1989. Five students participated beautifully on instruments such as the Viola, Clarinet and even a Euphonium. All participants were honored with prizes. The 1st place winner a earned a prize of $150.
  • Chair Judith Pinkerton thanks to Arleen Sirois, Rob Telles and Shawn Noorda for their assistance along with host Rotarians assigned to each of the contestants: Sidra Kain, Carey Grohs, Ted McAdam, Dr. Andy Kuniyuki, and Erik Astramecki.
  • President Jackie Thornhill adjourned the meeting.

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