The Wheel For March 19, 2020

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Women in Rotary

International Women’s Day Celebrated by Rotary!

Message From The President

Dear Rotarians,

International Women’s Day was celebrated on March 8. I have  summarized of the evolution of women in Rotary, followed by one of RI’s partner organizations in recognizing the resiliency and survival of women all over the world.

First and foremost, one courageous woman, Dr Sylvia Whitlock, pioneered women in Rotary. The following is a shortened timeline of admitting women to Rotary:

1950 – An enactment to delete the word “male” from the Standard Rotary Club Constitution is proposed by a Rotary club.

1964 – The Council on Legislation agenda contains an enactment proposed by a Rotary club in  Sri Lanka to permit the admission of women into Rotary clubs. Delegates vote that it be withdrawn. 

1972 – As more women begin reaching higher positions in their professions, more clubs begin lobbying for female members. A U.S. Rotary club proposes admitting women into Rotary.

1977 – The Rotary Club of Duarte, California, USA, admits women as members in violation of the RI Constitution and Standard Rotary Club Constitution. Because of this violation, the club’s membership in Rotary International is terminated in March 1978. (The club was reinstated in September 1986.)

1983-86 – In a lawsuit filed by the Duarte club, the California Superior Court in 1983 rules in favor of Rotary International, upholding gender-based qualification for membership in California Rotary clubs. In 1986, the California Court of Appeals reverses the lower court’s decision, preventing the enforcement of the provision in California. The California Supreme Court refuses to hear the case, and it is appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court.

1987 – On May 4th, the U.S. Supreme Court rules that Rotary clubs may not exclude women from membership on the basis of gender. Rotary issues a policy statement that any Rotary club in the United States can admit qualified women into membership. 

The Rotary Club of Marin Sunrise, California is chartered on May 28th. It becomes the first club after the U.S. Supreme Court ruling to have women as charter members.

Dr Sylvia Whitlock, of the Rotary Club of Duarte, California and involved in the US Supreme Court case, becomes the first female Rotary club president. And, the rest as they say is history!

Rotary International’s disaster relief partner, ShelterBox, has some very illuminating statistics from its international mission of assisting victims in some of the most horrendous of civil unrest, terrorism and natural disaster areas.


  • Women and children account for more than 75% of the refugees and displaced persons globally.
  • All forms of violence against women increase during disasters and displacement.
  • Women and children are up to 14 times more likely to die during a natural disaster than men.

The stories of strength and resiliency are nothing short of miraculous. The stories of many incredible women can be read on their website,

From ShelterBox, “Together, we can help families return to normal by providing women with the tools and training they need. Together we can empower women after disaster.

Stand with women around the world by giving them shelter, training, and tools to recover.”

Celebrating women everywhere, International Women’s Day,  Rotary International and ShelterBox.

Jackie Thornhill
Las Vegas Rotary Club

Member Highlights

Scribe – March 12, 2020

Las Vegas Rotary Club Meeting: March 12, 2020

  • PE Richard Jost called the meeting to order.
  • Kathleen Mahon gave the invocation.
  • Ted Mc Adams led the club in singing “God Bless America”, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
  • Kirk Alexander was the Sergeant-At-Arms.
  • We had visiting 0 International Rotarians; 4 visiting Rotarians and 0 Guests of Rotarians were introduced.
  • The weekly drawing began at ­­­­­­­­­$5,436 plus this week’s donations. Russ Swain missed the Joker. PP Jim Hunt won the Lawry’s Bucks.
  • PE Richard Jost announcements/reminders:
    • International Convention held in Hawaii in June 6-10 an is filling up quickly.
    • District Conference is in in Pasadena May 1-3. Registration is open – celebrate the 100th
    • Your quarterly and monthly contributions help fund programs keep our projects moving. Please consider donating to the permanent fund.
    • Remember to recycle Wheels and tickets.
    • Please keep the green book moving for service sign up. Use the QR code in the wheel & green book to sign up for events online.
  • Rosalee Hedrick announced the induction of a new member Tobias Kleff.
  • David Thorson shared Wetzel Awards March 26th 3-4PM in new location meet @the Nellis Visitor Center 2:30 PM.
  • Jerry Sennes Highway Clean Up March 28th at 9 AM with brunch to follow at his home.
  • Marie Walsh Breakfast with Books success 170 books read.
  • PP Jim Hunt 21st Patrick’s Cigar Social Friday March 13th 6 PM bring 3 Cigars hosted at Kirk Holmes home. Humidor with LV Rotary logo will be an auction item. Rotary alumni will be invited this year. Proceeds to the Foundation. UPDATE POSTPONED
  • Bill Houghton RYLA POSTPONED
  • Howie Hopkinson District Conference May 1-3 at the Pasadena Westin. Pasadena Club is hosting and celebrating their 100th Please attend. Discounted rooms are going fast. Please get online and sign up. Last day to register April 8th.
  • Rene Gamero April 25 Cuisine & Octane Annual Fundraising Event tickets are $100 for all the food and drink you’d like. Will be fantastic event. Partnering with the USO.
  • Rose Falocco announced the contestants in the Area Competition a District wide in the 4-Way test Speech Contest. Three students presented individually. The 1st place goes on to compete at Regionals on April 15th at UNLV.
  • PE Richard Jost adjourned the meeting.

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