The Wheel for May 21, 2020

by May 21, 2020The Wheel0 comments

Listen to Marta Meana – UNLV President & Valedictorian

The Wheel

Marta Meana – UNLV President & Valedictorian

UNLV President Marta Meana has served in many roles during her 20-plus years at UNLV. A licensed clinical psychologist and top researcher in her field, Meana is also a respected administrator, teacher, advisor, and mentor. She was appointed acting president of UNLV by the Nevada System of Higher Education Board of Regents, effective July 1, 2018. A professor of psychology at UNLV since 1997, Meana was named dean of UNLV’s Honors College in 2012 and previously served as senior advisor to the university president. Since Meana arrived as dean of UNLV’s Honors College, enrollment in the select program has more than tripled. The Honors College attracts top undergraduates from Nevada and throughout the nation and is a partner with discipline colleges at the university in which Honors students pursue academic majors. A renowned scholar in the field of clinical psychology, Meana’s groundbreaking research has reshaped clinical approaches to women’s health and human sexuality. She has published two books and close to 80 peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters. Meana has earned multiple university, state and national awards during her career, including a Nevada Regents Excellence in Teaching Award, Nevada Senatorial Recognition for Teaching, UNLV Distinguished Teaching and Graduate Academic Advisor awards, the James Makawa Award for outstanding contributions in psychology, and the Masters and Johnson Lifetime Achievement Award. Meana joined the psychology department at UNLV in 1997 after completing a Ph.D. in clinical psychology at McGill University, a pre-doctoral internship at the University of California, San Diego, and a post-doctoral research fellowship in women’s health at the University of Toronto.

Message From The President

Dear Rotarians,

Our speaker this week is one we all look forward to every year. A representative from UNLV to update us on the latest. This week’s speaker will be UNLV President Marta Meana. We can expect President Meana to discuss the year and specifically the response to Covig-19. We will also be excited to hear about the UNLV Football team playing their first season at Raiders Stadium AKA Allegiant Stadium.

We will continue with the yearly tradition of awarding the Medallion Coin to the Valedictorian when the live graduation event is scheduled.

Here is the history or our Club’s Medallion Coin.

The Las Vegas Rotary Club presented UNLV with 101 original medallions to recognize the state’s centennial celebration in 1964.The final medallion will be awarded in 2064 on Nevada’s two hundredth anniversary of statehood. Students are selected based on their Grade Point Average (GPA) and other criteria including, but not limited to, community involvement.

Some of our recent winners are:

Michelle Javier Quizon – 2018 Winner

Michelle Quizon graduates summa cum laude with a Bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering. Her accolades include concurrently taking pre-med and engineering coursework and four fully funded research experiences, including an Amgen Scholar internship at Stanford, an NSF PIRE fellowship in South Korea, an Honors Thesis, and numerous presentations spanning the international, national, state, and university levels. UNLV Innovation magazine called Michelle a protégé. Outside of class, Michelle has served as a nationally recognized social justice advocate, Resident Assistant, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation volunteer, Student Rec Building Manager, Honors College Mentor, Alpha Gamma Delta Alumni Relations, and Alpha Psi Rho Sweetheart. Off campus, she is an International Powerlifting Champion and Crossfitter. On direct route to a Ph.D., Michelle has earned more than $825,000-worth of scholarships to top Bioengineering graduate programs. She has selected the Georgia Institute of Technology, nationally ranked #2. Michelle was named a President’s Fellow, an honor presented to only the top 10% of applicants, across all of Georgia Tech’s graduate programs. Michelle intends to cure diseases with regenerative medicine, using biomaterials and drug therapeutics.

For the next set of winners, place on pages 7 and 4 with spacing for adequate reading. IF needed, can be placed on page 5. Let me see asap what if anything needs to be filled in.

Leave the International Convention ad in place until further notice.

Title: UNLV Past Medallion Winners

Misti K. Kooyan – 2004 Winner

Misti K. Kooyman, a recent graduate of UNLV’s Department of Political Science, will be awarded the 2003/2004 Nevada Centennial Medallion during a luncheon sponsored by the Rotary Club of Las Vegas. The event will be held at noon on Jan. 13 at Lawry’s Prime Rib, located at 4043 Howard Hughes Parkway in Las Vegas. The Centennial Medallion is one of 101 original medallions presented to UNLV by the Rotary Club of Las Vegas in 1964 to recognize the state’s centennial celebration. The final medallion will be awarded in 2064 on Nevada’s two hundredth anniversary of statehood. Kooyman, a 2001 Cimarron-Memorial graduate, earned a 4.0-grade point average during her academic career at UNLV. Raymond Alden, executive vice president and provost at UNLV, will present Kooyman with the medallion.

Catalin Adrian Cacuci – 2001 Winner

Catalin Adrian Cacuci has been awarded the 2000-01 Nevada Centennial Medallion – a prestigious academic honor that is bestowed each year on the graduating UNLV senior with the highest-grade point average. The award is co-sponsored by the Las Vegas Rotary Club and UNLV. Cacuci, who majored in international business, graduated summa cum laude with a perfect 4.0-grade point average in August 2000 with a bachelor’s degree in business administration. He is now working on obtaining his Master of Business Administration degree from UNLV. Cacuci is an international student and a native of Romania.

Daniel M. Flores – 2000 Winner

Daniel M. Flores has been awarded the Nevada Centennial Medallion for the 1999-2000 academic year — a prestigious academic honor bestowed each year on the graduating UNLV senior with the highest-grade point average. The award is co-sponsored by the Las Vegas Rotary Club and UNLV. Flores, who graduated in August 1999 from UNLV’s College of Fine Arts with a Bachelor of Arts degree in music, earned a 4.0-grade point average. A 4.0 is a perfect average. Flores was presented with the medal earlier this month. A 1991 graduate of Woods Cross High School, he is from Bountiful, Utah. He is the son of L.M. and Josephine Flores.

James Min Kim – 1996 Winner

The 1995-96 recipient of the Nevada Centennial Medallion is UNLV graduate James Min Kim. The Nevada Centennial Medallion is presented each year by the Las Vegas Rotary Club to the graduating senior from UNLV with the highest grade point average. Kim’s GPA was 4.0. Kim graduated in May 1996 with a Bachelor of Science degree in biological sciences. His minor was chemistry. He is now in his first year of medical school at the University of Southern California. A graduate of Clark High School, he is the son of Myung Kim of Las Vegas.

Roberta J. Barnes – 1994 Winner

Henderson resident Roberta J. Barnes is the 1993-94 recipient of the Nevada Centennial Medallion, an award given annually to the UNLV graduate with the highest-grade point average. She graduated in December 1993 with a GPA of 3.99. Barnes, who earned a Bachelor of Science degree in hotel administration, is now employed at The Mirage as a management associate. The daughter of Robert and Donna Barnes of Green Valley, she is a 1989 graduate of the Southern Nevada Vocational Technical Center. The Nevada Centennial Medallion is presented each year by the Las Vegas Rotary Club.

Jackie Thornhill
Las Vegas Rotary Club

Scribe – May 14, 2020

Las Vegas Rotary Club Meeting: May 14, 2020

  • President Jackie Thornhill called the meeting to order via Facebook/Zoom Live Stream Event with 45 virtual attendees.
  • Andy Kuniyuki gave the invocation.
  • Kirk Holmes was Sergeant at Arms
  • Tina Bishop was Scribe
  • President Jackie Thornhill played Home Means Nevada and lead the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.
  • President Jackie Thornhill announcements and reminders:
    • People of Action campaign is still on going so send photos to President Jackie.
    • Monthly and Quarterly contributions are due and needed for the upcoming year.
    • Lawry’s is preparing to open, and President Jackie will contact Ed early in the upcoming week to discuss options for our weekly Rotary lunch meetings.
    • Check the virtual green book for scheduled upcoming meetings.
    • There are still openings for articles in the Virtual Craft Talk section of the Wheel. Please submit a 250 maximum word document if you would like to be featured.
    • A Membership Orientation is scheduled for 6.16.20 at Jerry Engle’s house.
  • Toni Kern shared that the Together We Read program had been interrupted because of the Covid-19 restrictions. The Rotary and Spread the Word volunteer Trainers completed a virtual training and are ready to go for the Fall.  The Grant has been extended until October to enable the pilot to complete.
  • President Elect Richard Jost had 3 points to discuss.
    • He reinforced the urgency for completion of the committee sign up and pledge form for next Rotary year. Please return the forms to Shawn so that accurate information is available for budgeting.
    • Shawn shared via email an invitation from Toastmasters to participate in a program designed to develop better speeches. Be sure to open or check your My Rotary account.
    • New District 5300 fundraiser is underway. They are selling a Rotary facemask in either sky blue with a gold wheel or People of Action in block letters.  $5 to purchase if enough demand supports that price.  This is to replace in a small way the cancellation of our Foundation Fund Raiser.  Contact PE Richard Jost to order.
  • President Jackie Thornhill:
    • There is a Highway Cleanup scheduled for 6.20.20.
    • President Jackie reminded that the foundation match is good until 6.30.20. PE Richard Jost added that District 5300 has additional points available.
    • Past President Jim Kohl said Save the Date. President Jackie’s debunking is scheduled for 6.25.20.  Details to follow shortly.
  • Kirk Holmes introduced our Speaker, Paul Vautrinot who is currently employed with Freedom House as the Program Director for Freedom Behavioral Health and is The Housing Director for Crossroads of Southern Nevada and serves as the Program Director Shine A Light. He shed light on the approximately 700-1000 residents of the Las Vegas Tunnels to help understand who they are, how they live and the short- and long-term strategies used to urge them out into the light and provide a path for their medical, housing and occupational assistance in the transition.
  • President Jackie Thornhill adjourned the meeting.

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