The Wheel for November 12, 2020

by Nov 12, 2020The Wheel0 comments

Listen to Ted McAdam – Honoring Veterans

The Wheel

Ted McAdam – Honoring Veterans

Message From The President

Dear Rotarians,

Veterans Day

Our Rotary Club already works on programs for active duty members of the military through our Wetzel Awards and our support of the USO, but could we be doing more for local veterans by partnering with existing veterans’ organizations with similar missions to our own? For example, if you look at on the internet, you will see that they are “connecting veterans with under resourced communities . . . to work alongside nonprofit partners and community leaders to improve educational resources . . . and more”, which sounds like an excellent fit with our club’s mission statement. Even if you have not served in our armed forces, you may be the perfect person to chair a new program like this for our club.

Richard Jost
Las Vegas Rotary Club

Member Highlights

Bracken students and their parents drive up to pick up individually wrapped bags filled with Halloween candy donated by the Las Vegas Rotary Club.

Scribe – November 5, 2020

Las Vegas Rotary Club Meeting:  November 5, 2020


President Richard Jost called the meeting to order.

  • Jerry Engel gave the invocation.
  • Kirk Alexander played a patriotic song by the United States Marine Corp
  • Our photographer was Past President Steve Linder.
  • The Sergeant at Arms was Bill Stieren.
  • We had 7 guests of Rotarians and 1 visiting Rotarian.
  • Toni Kern, Kirk Holmes, and Bill Houghton conducted a new member ceremony for Austin Wyrick and Kate Zavala.
  • President Richard Jost recognized members with birthdays in November who were present: Walter Parrish, Russell Swain, Tom Thomas, Tina Bishop, Toni Kern, and Anil Melnick.
  • Marie Walsh reported that the Breakfast with Books program is ongoing in a virtual reading format and that 168 families/children participated in October and 209 in September. Books continue to be distributed when families pick up food.
  • Janice Lencke mentioned that the virtual auction information was in the Wheel and thanked those who have provided support and sponsorship, reiterating that all have until December 3rd to bid on 70 items.
  • Anil Melnick gave an update regarding the holiday party on December 3rd. It will be held at the Green Valley Ranch from 6-10pm. There are printed announcements available and an email invite will also be sent to all members. The theme will be “Futuristic” for attire.
  • Rose Falocco gave an update on the 25 Club Annual Canned Food Drive. Unsure about how many tickets are left but the $5,000 winner to be announced on Thursday, November 12th.  Cash donations during the live meeting are also being accepted.
  • Jim Hunt gave an update about Santa Clothes and the need for volunteers from our club. While there will not be shopping with students this year, the need is still great and at the shopping locations only a small number of Las Vegas Rotary Club volunteers are signed up in comparison to other rotary club volunteers. However, financial support from our club has been generous. Please consider volunteering and signing up on the virtual clip board.
  • President Richard Jost announced that there are still Rotary masks available for purchase and if interested, information can be provided with regard to setting up a LVRC Foundation charitable gift annuity.
  • The Ticket Winner was Bert Reiner who received a prize of $10, and the Lawry’s Bucks Winner was a Guest.

Katie Crocket introduced our program speaker: Dr. Melody Rose, Chancellor of the Nevada System of Higher Education. Dr. Rose has written 5 books and has 4 children and was appointed in June 2020. She is from Oregon where she was the Chancellor of the Oregon University System. Dr. Rose outlined the goals for the Nevada system and answered member questions.

Richard Jost presented our speaker with a “Share What You Can” award to benefit a veteran in need and then adjourned the meeting.




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