The Wheel for November 17, 2020
Listen to Don Snyder & Myron Martin
The Wheel
Don Snyder & Myron Martin – Building Modern Las Vegas & the Smith Center
Message From The President
Dear Rotarians,
A Light at the End of the Tunnel
The COVID-19 virus has made this past year feel like a long, dark, frightening tunnel for people around the world. For the loved ones and friends of the over 1.3 million people whose deaths have been attributed to the virus, the tunnel has been a deadly one. But recent news has given us reason to believe that there is a light at the end of this tunnel. By next calendar year we anticipate that a vaccine will be available for medical personnel, first responders, and possibly also the most vulnerable in nursing homes and similar settings. Following that, vaccines should become available for anyone who is willing to be vaccinated.
However, the light at the end of the tunnel must not blind us to the distance we must still travel to reach the end. We want our children and grandchildren to be able to return to their classrooms. We want our friends and neighbors to be able to fully reopen their businesses and earn enough profit to avoid a financial disaster. We want everyone to be able to go out and socialize, perhaps even travel, and resume their normal routine. We are so close.
You may find wearing a facemask inconvenient or uncomfortable, but until a vaccine is widely available, a mask is the best way we can be in service above self if we are among the persons carrying the virus but without symptoms, who would be infecting others without the mask. The mask may have limited effectiveness in protecting us from others, but the Rotary motto is not me first, it is service above self. Let us show the world that we mean it.
Richard Jost
Las Vegas Rotary Club
Scribe – November 12, 2020
Las Vegas Rotary Club Meeting: November 12, 2020
President Richard Jost called the meeting to order.
- Ted McAdams started off our annual special meeting celebrating veterans and led us in the pledge of allegiance.
- Steve Linder gave the invocation.
- Walt Parrish presented the colors.
- Judith Pinkerton played God Bless American on the violin.
- President Richard Jost announced that due to COVID concerns that we would only continue to meet in person if all in-person members wore their masks as required.
- We recognized Janet Ravin of Rimini Street Inc. for joining us on the day of the Annual Canned Food Drive Raffle for being our biggest donor this year, $5,000. We also had 5 guests of Rotarians.
- We took a tender moment to acknowledge the passing of Deb Granda’s sister due to COVID. She spent 20 years in the Air Force, was a disabled veteran, and her passing made national news.
- President Richard Jost announced that we would be emailed our ballot for five Board Positions. Members present and recognized were Tina Bishop, Mike Cudiamat, Brian Sorrentino, and Rene Gamero.
- President Richard Jost announced that the candy drive at Bracken was incredibly well received. The school spent 2.5 hours worth of overtime handing out candy. Dentists everywhere thank Rotary profusely.
- Rose Falocco announced that the Holiday Party will be on December 3rd. RSVPs are required and the event will take place at Green Valley Ranch.
- Brian Sorrentino announced that the Cuisine and Octane auction has been converted to a virtual event starting next week going until our Holiday Party.
- Michael Gordon announced that Santa Clothes is proceeding as planned. We are in need of more shoppers. Please contact him if you want to be a part of it.
- Our visiting guest pulled the winning ticket for the canned food drive raffle and Steve Linder won the $5,000 prize and humbly donated $1,000.
- The ticket winner was Austin Wyrick who received a prize of $10, and the Lawry’s Bucks winner was Karen Whisenhunt.
- Susan Ziobro made the announcement that the 25 Club is looking for a volunteer to be the Scribe. Please email Susan or sign up for the role on
- Ted McAdams recognized all 9 veterans present, one by one, during our meeting.
- Judith Pinkerton closed our meeting with another lovely piece on her violin.