The Wheel for November 25, 2020

by Nov 27, 2020The Wheel0 comments

Listen to Dr. Niki Bates – Creating Education for Youth in a Digital Age

The Wheel

Dr. Niki Bates – Creating Education for Youth in a Digital Age

Dr. Niki Bates is the director of educational media services for Vegas PBS. In her role, Dr. Bates provides supervision, marketing and innovative leadership for the station’s children’s educational television outreach, plus unique services that have been developed to assist Nevada’s public, private, charter and home schools, such as a media library for families with special needs; early learning parent engagement workshops; teacher training and online classroom materials; K-12 programs and initiatives; and more.

Dr. Bates began her career with the Clark County School District in 1993 and has taught in various settings throughout the continuum of education. Before joining Vegas PBS, Dr. Bates had served as a teacher, assistant principal, coordinator of instructional programs, director of academic intervention and professional development, and director for the office of the Deputy Superintendent. In addition, Dr. Bates has extensive private sector experience in the educational publishing industry, specializing in intervention-based instructional materials.

With more than 27 years of experience, Dr. Bates holds a master’s degree in special education and a doctoral degree in educational leadership with a minor in curriculum development. She also holds an executive certificate in leadership and management.

Dr. Bates’ passion is education, and she is unwavering in her commitment to serving schools and the community.

Message From The President

Dear Rotarians,

We Bend but We Do Not Break

Rotarians are different than many other people. We hold ourselves to a higher standard, which is encapsulated in our Four-Way Test. We are dedicated to service above self. When we set out to accomplish a project, we do not quit until we have accomplished that task.

Year after year our club has supported groups in our community that are working to better our local community and, in particular, children in our local community. Our ability to financially support such efforts through our community grants program is stretched quite thin this year because the COVID-19 pandemic caused us to have to cancel our biggest fundraising event last spring. As our guest speakers this past week noted, the financial strain put on everyone by this pandemic has caused many local non-profit organizations to close, and unfortunately, many of them are not likely to ever reopen.

Rotarians are different. We keep working to help when and where we can even during a pandemic. We cannot hold an in-person fund-raising event, so we are going virtual with our current virtual auction. If you have not yet taken the timer to examine the items that you can bid on, please do. If you see things that you know your friends or acquaintances might be interested in bidding on, please share the auction link with them. Your help in this virtual auction will directly result in an increased ability for our club to resume making community grants. This is a different approach than how we have done this in the past, but we need to bend in the face of this pandemic in order to avoid breaking.

Richard Jost
Las Vegas Rotary Club

Member Highlights

Scribe – November 19, 2020

November 19, 2020


  • President Richard Jost called the meeting to order
  • Val Hatley gave the invocation
  • President Richard played “Thanksgiving Prayer” by Johnny Cash for our song
  • President Richard Jost led the club in the Pledge of Allegiance
  • PP David Thorson was Sergeant at Arms
  • PP Jim Hunt updated on the wheelchair project that 37 deliveries so far, 120 or so chairs coming.
  • President Richard Jost
    • Reminder to RSVP to the weekly club meetings
    • December 3rd Holiday Party, please RSVP to Shawn
  • Janice Lencke gave an update that the virtual auction items are live for the Cuisine & Octane and the link was shared via email. Please share with your family and friends.
  • President Richard Jost we need more “elves” to volunteer at all three JC Penny locations to help shop for Santa Clothes.
  • Jamie Goldsmith gave a SOAR award live from Nellis AFB!
  • Rosalee Hendricks Lisa Montley was inducted into the club as a new member.
  • Dan Adamson gave an update on the Foundation, and there will an email shortly with additional ways to give easier.
  • PP Jim Hunt our club will be 100 years shortly, the past presidents and foundation are pleased to announce that we started a centennial celebration committee. Janice will be the chair, and is also appointed the special events liaison.
  • President Richard Jost announced the following new Board members following the elections: Tina Bishop, David Lester, Brian Sorrentino, Carey Grohs, Rene Gamero.
  • Sarah Thornton won the raffle but did not pull the joker, PP Ginger Anderson won the Lawry bucks.
  • PP Caty Crockett introduced our speakers Donald Snyder and Myron Martin. Mr. Snyder is a local businessman and philanthropist, Mr. Myron is CEO of the Smith Center. They delivered a presentation on the history of the founding of the performing arts center in Las Vegas. They also announced that they are confident that the Smith Center will be reopening, but there is no timeline. They did cancel this past season and furloughed/laid off 75% of their staff. But they are working to bring performance back to town, including Hamilton.
  • President Richard Jost adjourned the meeting.

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