The Wheel for September 15, 2016
The Wheel

Club Assembly- Agenda
Segment 1 – Our Plans for Serving the
Community this Year
12:45 – 12:50pm – Dave Lester – Overview of planned local
service projects
12:50 – 12:55pm – Kirk Alexander- Overview of planned Youth
and Vocational Projects
12:55 – 1:00pm – Melanie Muldowney – Overview of
International/Local hybrid service opportunity and the
available funding multiplier
Segment 2 – How do we promote all of this?
1:00 – 1:05pm – Rob Telles – New Website and Social Media
Segment 3 – How do we fund all of this?
1:05 – 1:10pm – Michael and Janice – Car Show
1:10 – 1:15pm – Tom Thomas – Las Vegas Rotary Foundation
– $2M goal, planned giving
Segment 4 – How do we celebrate all of this?
1:15 – 1:20pm – Anil Melnik – Review of Social Calendar
Segment 5 – Q & A
1:20 – 1:30 Q&A
Message From The President
Dear Fellow Rotarians,
For a little fun today I thought I would try my hand at some original poetry.
About the only formal verse for which I remember the rules is a limerick so here goes…
There once was a man from Nantucket….
Oops, I think that that one has already been written! Let’s try
An assembly today we will hold
Our club’s plans this year you’ll be told
Upon hearing our news
You’ll all be enthused
And Las Vegas will be served sevenfold!
Proof that I should not quit my day job…
Enjoy today’s club assembly! It never ceases to amaze me the
incredible amount of service our club provides in Las Vegas.
We should all be proud to have been invited to be part of such
a fine group of leaders.
A special personal note of appreciation goes out to our Board
of Directors for their tireless efforts in organizing and leading
our vast array of activities.
David Thorson
President 2016 -2017
Member Highlights
President Dave awards our speaker Linda Bertuzzi of the Downtown Rotary Club with our sole power award. Linda presented our club with an emotional Polio Plus Presentation.
Past President Russ Swain holds the mic for Anil Melnick who outlined the upcoming UNLV tailgate party. Anil will be catering the tailgate.
President Dave presented a winning check to our new member Joe Lee for pulling the Joker on his first meeting on his birthday.
Past President Ginger Anderson gives us a mini presentation of our successful Spread the word campaign.
Scribe – August 25, 2016
- • President David Thorson called the meeting to order.
• Michael Williams gave the invocation. Ted McAdam led the club in singing “My Country
‘Tis of Thee” The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the Sergeant-at-Arms was Past
President Russ Swain.
• A moment of silence was observed for the passing of Honorary Member Thalia Dondero.
• There was one International Rotarian from Kiev, no visiting Rotarians and (10) Guests of
Rotarians were introduced.
• President David Thorson reminded the club members to please return their yellow place
cards to the front table at the end of the meeting.
• New Member Joe Lee was presented a check for pulling the joker earlier this month.
• Past President Ginger Anderson did a presentation about the Breakfast with Books
mentoring program. To date, 3,834 books have been distributed to over 889 children. Mary
Nelson, Books with Buddies Manager at Spread the Word also spoke to the club about the
• Minddie Lloyd from the Injured Police Officers Fund discussed her organization and her
support of our Car Show.
• Past President Jim Hunt reminded us of the Cigar Fellowship this Friday.
• Sarah Brown announced that the next highway clean-up is on September 24, 2016 at
• Past President Mary Ann Avnet announced that the next “Rotarians at Work” day is
September 30, 2016 at Bracken and Hollingsworth Schools.
• Arleen Sirios announced that the next Wine to Water event is at Sarah Brown’s home
on October 7, 2016.
• Erik Astramecki announced that there are still sponsorship opportunities to purchase
advertising on his shorts for his upcoming MMA Fight on October 15th at the Cannery. The
funds raised will go toward the Annual Rotary Canned Food Drive.
• Kirk Alexander discussed the upcoming Corazon super build on October 15, 2016. More
information can be found at
• President David Thorson reminded the club about the Wetzel Awards base presentation
on September 29th.
• The drawing began at $612.00 plus this week’s donations. The winner gets half the pot
and half goes to the Las Vegas Rotary Foundation. Ticket Winner: Past President Jim
Tucker who won $10! Lawry Bucks Winner: Jaime Goldsmith.
• Larry Tomsic introduced guest speaker Linda Bertuzzi. Linda spoke about her work in
India building damns that help to provide a sustainable water source for those in need. She
also talked about Polio Plus and her experiences with administering the vaccinations there.
• President David Thorson presented the speaker with the “Soul Power Award” and
adjourned the meeting.