The Wheel for September 20, 2018

by Sep 20, 2018The Wheel0 comments

Listen to Bob Bennett – Overview of the Nevada State Athletic Commission

The Wheel

Bob Bennett – Overview of the Nevada State Athletic Commission

Bob Bennett, Executive Director of the Nevada Athletic Commission

Overview of the Nevada State Athletic Commission

Robert (Bob) Bennett
Executive Director, Nevada Athletic Commission

Bob Bennett is a seasoned and talented professional with over 30 years of proven leadership experience. He has a lifetime involvement in organizing and participating in athletics, including boxing and various forms of martial arts. He served as an amateur boxing judge for 10 years; two years training as a professional boxing judge, followed by two years as a professional boxing judge for the Nevada Athletic Commission. His relentless pursuit of excellence made him the perfect choice to lead the Athletic Commissions operations.

Currently, Bob serves as the Executive Director for the Nevada Athletic Commission. Under his leadership, eight full-time staff members, twenty-eight Inspectors, and an array of officials oversee and regulate, world-class unarmed combat events that generate millions of dollars for the State of Nevada. Las Vegas is known as the “Fight Capital of the World” and is considered the epitome of success for many young fighters who step into the world’s spotlight. Prior to joining the Nevada Athletic Commission, Bob had an illustrious career in the Federal Bureau of Investigations. His service spanned over two and a half decades and included such assignments as Supervisory Special Agent of the Las Vegas Division Drug & Gang squad, responsible for three multi-agency task forces consisting of local, state, and federal law enforcement officers and agents. After retiring from the FBI, Bob went on to become the Court Security Director for the Eighth Judicial District, responsible for all administrative policymaking and security-related matters.

Bob gained invaluable leadership training as a Captain in the United States Marine Corps, where he was awarded the Navy Commendation Medal for meritorious achievement while serving as Commanding Officer for marine detachment. Bob showed his passion early on for unarmed combat sports, by planning, organizing and participating in boxing matches between sailors and marines. His dedication and passion for the sport of unarmed combat are still as strong today.

Message From The President

As all of you are aware, President-Elect Jackie Thornhill and the Fundraising Committee are wrapping up our first annual fundraising raffle. The raffle will be held on September 27, 2018, which is next week. They have arranged for a special drawing to be conducted at the beginning of our meeting. I can’t wait to find out who the lucky person is who will win the $10,000 grand prize. As you should be aware, tickets cost $100 each and we still have tickets to sell. If we sell all three hundred tickets the Club will net $20,000. Each ticket that we do not sell is money that we could have raised but did not. We are not there yet, so we need to make a big push this week to get outside ticket sales. I am again asking each of you to support our Club by joining me in taking three tickets from the Fundraising Committee and committing to sell them to people outside of the Club.

President-Elect Jackie, the Fundraising Committee and I need everybody’s support of the raffle. By taking three tickets and soliciting sales from outside the club, each of you will bring in desperately needed new funds for our Club. Selling raffle tickets to outsiders will also allow you to tell prospective members why this is the greatest Rotary Club in the world. Let’s band together and make a strong final push and make our fundraiser a success.

Thank you for your support of the Club!
James A. Kohl

Member Highlights

Scribe – September 13, 2018

Las Vegas Rotary Club Meeting: September 13, 2018

  • Past President Randy Donald called the meeting to order. Jaime Goldsmith gave the invocation. Michael Williams led the club in singing My Country Tis Of Thee, followed by PP Randy leading us in the Pledge of Allegiance. The Sergeant at Arms was Kim Nyoni.
  • There were (1) International Rotarians, (1) visiting Rotarians and (2) Guests of Rotarians introduced.
  • PP Randy asked members to follow the encouragement of President Jim for members to open up their Facebook page and share the LVRC live streaming and web page to spread the word about our club and Rotary
  • PEE Jackie Thornhill reminded members of the 3 rd Quarter Wetzel Awards honoring 5 recipients was 9/13; Kirk Alexander along with Beckley Principal Shannon Brown and Asst Principal Cheryl Trypp announced the largest turnout of 365 families and the largest number of Rotarian participants of 18 at the opening Breakfast With Books on 9/11 thanking the Club for the support; Beckley Principal Shannon Brown announced volunteers are welcome at the Beckley Harvest Festival on 10/12 beginning at 4 p.m. and to contact her, Asst Principal Cheryl Trypp, or Marie Walsh to sign up; Deb Granda announced 160 raffle tickets have been sold and all money and tickets must be submitted by noon on 9/27, with PP Randy noting how simple it is to sell tickets and Janice Lencke announced a press release is coming soon, with a sports figure as our special guest, along with a couple of showgirls; Deb Granda announced a fun time was had at the Shakespeare Festival; Kirk Alexander reminded members the highway clean up and ‘after party’ at the home of Jerry Sennes scheduled for 9/22; PP Tom Krob reminded members of the Cigar Social will take place on 10/5; a ‘significant’ fine was issued to PP Tom Thomas for his photo with Mayor Goodman, explaining about the Mayor’s Fund and the substantial contribution made by the Greater Good Counsel on which PP Tom sits as a Board Member
  • The weekly drawing began at $2,618 plus this week’s donations. The Ticket Winner was Bob Werner, who received a prize of $10, and the Lawry’s Bucks Winner was Pete Samuolis.
  • PP President David Thorsen introduced our program speaker, Duane Matters, who provided not only a photo exhibit table but an extraordinary presentation and details, with photos, of his role and experience at Ground Zero following the 9/11 attack and the efforts and obstacles involved in debris removal. This included the use of LIDAR technology, a precise GPS system to locate objects and assist in temporary plans for cranes and lifting, the amount and nature of the equipment used/needed, including the BFC (big freaking crane), the alphabet of contaminants discovered in the course of the recovery and clean up, the unstable work surfaces, air monitoring programs implemented, the slurry wall and tie backs to form the perimeter of the site, to the health and safety logistic nightmares including the greatest fear of Freon. Mr. Matters explained that presently it is reported that there is one loss of a Ground Zero worker each week due to the effects of exposure from the work performed, describing the debris removal personnel as ‘true heroes’.
  • Past President Randy Donald presented our speaker with a “Share What You Can” award to benefit a veteran in need and then adjourned the meeting.

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