The Wheel for September 6, 2018

by Sep 6, 2018The Wheel0 comments

Listen to Dan Schwarz – Cristo Rey St. Viator Las Vegas College Preparatory

The Wheel

Dan Schwarz – Cristo Rey St. Viator Las Vegas College Preparatory

Dan Schwarz
Director of Communications & Community Outreach
Cristo Rey St Viator Las Vegas College Preparatory High School

Dan has lived in Southern Nevada, on and off, since 1981. After graduating from Indiana University, Dan worked a Sales Account Executive at KVVU FOX5 television from 1985-1997. In addition, Dan worked in sales management at TV stations in Iowa and Montana, before returning to Las Vegas in 1999.

From 1999-2015, Dan worked at KLAS TV Channel 8 (8 News Now) in Sales Management, and after another brief stint at FOX5, Dan most recently worked as VP of Operations at the Henderson Chamber of Commerce.

In February 2018, Dan joined the Cristo Rey St. Viator Las Vegas College Preparatory team, as the school prepares for an August 2019 opening.

Dan and his wife Cheryl (a native Las Vegan), are “vowed” lay associates with the Clerics of St. Viator, the Catholic religious community that proudly owned and operated Bishop Gorman High School in Las Vegas for many years before the school was turned over to the Diocese of Las Vegas.

Now, the Clerics of St Viator are back “teaching” in Southern Nevada and are proud to introduce, Cristo Rey St. Viator Las Vegas College Preparatory.

Message From The President

Rugby evolved from soccer. The initial Rugby clubs were unhappy with the fact that you were not permitted to use your hands while playing soccer. The rules of Rugby are relatively simple – carry or kick the ball to the goal area then touch it down to the ground for a try. Rugby spread around the world and just like soccer, it evolved into several new games. In northern England, a professional Rugby league formed and the concept of four downs to reach a specific yardage was introduced. It is commonly known as Rugby League (mostly played standing up) as opposed to Rugby Union (which features a significant number of scrums, and like soccer, teams possess the ball until they turn it over). In Australia, Rugby morphed into Aussie Rules Football. In America Rugby evolved into our national pastime Football, or American Football is it is known around the world.

Americans love football for a variety of reasons. Fans of a long-suffering franchise like the Bills, Browns, Chargers, and Lions, remain loyal to their team no matter what. They take pride in the fact that they are have not abandoned their team despite its lack of success. Fans of the Patriots, Steelers, and fans of the glory years of the 49ers and the Cowboys love the dominance of a great team displayed year over year.

With its salary cap and the worst to best order of the draft, the NFL continually has teams on the rise and fall, keeping most fans engaged. The NFL’s continued tinkering with the rules to make it more entertaining led to a frenetic Super Bowl this year with almost nonstop action. Critics of the NFL are quick to point out that its TV ratings are down. TV ratings are down across the board for all TV stations because consumers are changing how they consume media. All you have to do is type in NFL on Twitter and you will see America is still very much in love with the NFL.

Football is America’s pastime. We love it for a variety of reasons. Despite the fact we know it is exceptionally unhealthy for those who play it, we gather each Super Bowl Sunday with friends and family to watch and cheer on the champion of America’s sport. I for one am super excited that the season opens today (no pun intended). While my fandom has changed from a longtime suffering loyalist to a fan of a Super Bowl Champion, my team remains dear to me. Fly Eagles Fly.

James A. Kohl

Scribe – August 30, 2018

Las Vegas Rotary Club Meeting: August 30, 2018

  • President Jim Kohl called the meeting to order. Blake Myers gave the invocation. Andy Kuniyuki led the club in singing God Bless America, followed by President Jim leading us in the Pledge of Allegiance. The Sergeant at Arms was Janet Linder.
  • There were (1) International Rotarians, (2) visiting Rotarians and (2) Guests of Rotarians introduced.
  • President Jim continues to encourage members to open up their Facebook page and share the LVRC live streaming and web page to spread the word about our Club and members were reminded to wear their NFL gear to our lunch meeting on 9/6
  • Rotarian of the Month Honors went to Jimmelle Siarot
  • PP Michael Gordon and Blake Myers introduced members with perfect attendance, ranging from 1 year to 24+ years, providing each recipient with a Certificate and Perfect Attendance pin
  • Jennifer Lier of the National Keynote Speakers and Executive Director of Miss Nevada introduced a special guest, Pia Zadora who spoke out about tickets for the LVRF fundraising raffle, noting we have about 3 more weeks to get the word out and sell those tickets
  • Marie Walsh reminded members the first Breakfast With Books is 9/11 at Becker ES and information for ordering T-shirts for Rotarians to wear when participating at the event, and the Becker ES Fall Festival is 10/12 and volunteers are needed; Kirk Alexander reminded members Bracken ES is looking for volunteers for Nevada Reading Week during the week of Sept 10-14; Deb Granda reminded members about the sale of raffle tickets for the LVRF fundraiser and the upcoming Shakespeare Festival scheduled for 9/7-9/8, and to RSVP her for the Friday night dinner and Saturday cocktail party by 9/1; Jaime Goldsmith encouraged members to attend the upcoming SOAR Awards at the Las Vegas City Council Chambers honoring first responders on 9/17 at 8 a.m. and the latest Wine To Water event is set for 10/6 at Gyu Kaku, $100/PP, and includes a sake flight; David Squier announced the highway clean up and ‘after party’ at the home of Jerry Sennes is scheduled for 9/22; PP Jim Hunt reminded members of the Cigar Social will take place on 10/5 at Tom Krob’s home, $10/PP; 25 Club President Luci Parodi reminded members the Annual Canned Food Drive is coming and shared that the small can table décor for ‘extra pocket change’ is always welcome
  • The weekly drawing began at $2,286 plus this week’s donations. The Ticket Winner was PP Randy Donald, who received a prize of $10, and the Lawry’s Bucks Winner was PP Steve Linder
  • PP Randy Donald introduced our program speaker, Jennifer L. Taylor, Esq. a member on the Governor’s Committee On Energy Choice, who provided a very detailed and complex presentation of issues, pro and con, on the upcoming ballot Question No. 3 (the energy source initiative), touching upon recommendations and proposals for actions that may need to be taken should the Energy Choice Initiative pass a second time and be amended into the Nevada State Constitution
  • President Jim presented our speaker with a “Share What You Can” award to benefit a veteran in need and then adjourned the meeting.

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