The Wheel for December 15, 2016

by Dec 16, 2016Blog, The Wheel0 comments

The Wheel

Myron G. Martin-The Smith Center for the Performing Arts

As President and CEO of The Smith Center for the Performing Arts, Myron Martin brings the world’s most revered and celebrated entertainers to Las Vegas. Martin has a rich history in the performing arts business. He has produced and presented a variety of well-regarded productions including first-run touring attractions and internationally acclaimed performers in music, theater and dance.

Martin has been called the “keeper of the vision” for The Smith Center, which has been heralded as Southern Nevada’s long-awaited cultural triumph. He was part of the team who first imagined how a world-class performing arts center could change their community, and went on to oversee design, construction, fund raising and operations of the Center. The Smith Center has been praised for
“representing Las Vegas’ artistic coming of age” by the Associated Press, proclaimed as “dazzling” by The New York Times and coined “a cultural oasis” by The Los Angeles Times.

In addition to his responsibilities at The Smith Center, Martin serves as the chairman of The National High School Musical Awards in New York as well as a Governor-appointed commissioner for Nevada’s Sesquicentennial Commission. Prior to helming The Smith Center, Martin held leadership positions with the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Performing Arts Center; Liberace Foundation; and Baldwin Piano Company.

Martin’s past creative endeavors also include serving as the president of the Western Arts Alliance; co-producer of the post-911 production “Las Vegas Salutes the Spirit of America” and the Las Vegas production of the Broadway smash “Hairspray”; and coordinated talent for Barbra Streisand’s Millenium Concert. He is an Emmy Award-nominee for producing the Vegas PBS special “Frank Wildhorn & Friends.”

Martin holds a bachelor of music degree from the University of North Texas, and an MBA from Golden Gate University. He has three children with his wife, Dana Rogers Martin. Named Las Vegas’ 2012 “Man of the Year” by Vegas Seven magazine and honored with
the 2014 Community Achievement Award by the Nevada Broadcaster’s Association, Martin is a highly respected community leader, proud Las Vegan, and champion for the arts.

Message From The President

David ThorsonDear Rotarians,

At last week’s fabulous Holiday Party, we formally launched our new campaign to increase our Las Vegas Rotary Foundation’s permanent fund endowment to $2.0 million by 6/30/2018. As you all know, this endowment is designed to provide funding to our annual service programs in perpetuity and is a very powerful force in the long-term maintenance of our Club.

I encourage all of you to think of ways to you can contribute to this campaign. Ideas include increasing the component of your monthly pledge that goes to our Foundation, volunteering to assist with our major fund raising activities, naming the foundation in your estate plan, inviting new members to join our club or even making a one-time gift.

We kicked off this campaign with our raffle and live auction at the party. I am pleased to report that we already raised $2,795 or about
1% of what we need to hit the mark. This is an excellent quick start to the campaign!

Distributions from the endowment to our annual program fund this year totaled $49,292. This gives us the opportunity to support our
Club’s mission in a wide variety of ways. Your Board of Directors is actively looking at ways to maximize the service we can
provide through matching grants from both the District and Rotary International.

David Thorson
President 2016 -2017
Las Vegas Rotary Club

Scribe – December 1, 2016

  •  President David Thorson called the meeting to order.
  • Arleen Sirois gave the invocation. Jaime Goldsmith and Jackie Thornhill led the club in singing the Air Force Song. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the Sergeant-at-Arms was John Ingeme.
  • There were (5) International Rotarians, (3) Visiting Rotarians and (8) Guests of Rotarians were introduced.
  • The drawing began at $2,392.00 plus this week’s donations. The winner gets half the pot and half goes to the Las Vegas Rotary Foundation. Ticket Winner: Past President Mary Ann Avnet who won $10! Lawry Bucks Winner: David Lester.
  • The December birthdays were announced: President Elect Michael Gordon, Chris Bennett, Bill Stieren, Past President Randy Donald, Jimmelle Siarot, Blake Myers, Bob Fisher. Ted McAdam led the club in singing Happy Birthday.
  • President David Thorson thanked the 25 Club for a job well done on the Canned Food Drive.
  • President David Thorson reminded us that we will have meetings December 22nd and 29th. December 22nd will be prime rib day!
  • Tim Mullen provided the club with a holiday gift of free passes to see Showstoppers!
  • Michael Gordon announced that all sponsorships for our Car Show have now been sold!
  • Janice Lencke and Jaime Goldsmith reminded the club about the holiday party on December 8, 2016.
  • Marie Walsh reminded the club about Breakfast with Books on December 6, 2016.
  • Sarah Brown announced that the next Highway Clean Up will be at 8am on December 17, 2016.
  • Erik Astramecki reminded us of the 25 Club Social December 2nd at Davidoff of Geneva.
  • Jackie Thornhill reminded us that the Wetzel Awards will be December 1st at Nellis AFB.
  • President David Thorson fined Steve Kwon for all his recent international travels to Asia.
  • Larry Tomsic introduced the speaker, USAF Colonel Steven Seroka. The Colonel discussed his 25 years in the service as well as what our veterans face upon their release from the Armed Forces. He told the club that the military is supposed to
    intervene in a conflict once diplomacy fails. He went on to say that the #1 thing to be a good leader is to be a good follower and that’s what our Veterans are. This makes them an asset to any organization who is willing to hire for culture and train for the job.
  • President David Thorson presented the speaker with a Sole Power Award and adjourned the meeting.

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