The Wheel for December 1, 2016

by Nov 30, 2016Blog, The Wheel0 comments

The Wheel

Steven Seroka, aka “The Colonel,”

Steven SerokaSteven Seroka, aka “The Colonel,” is a 30-year Active Duty USAF Fighter Pilot, Strategist & Leader and recently the Chief of Staff for Nevada’s largest business organization. He is a USAF Academy graduate with a rare depth and breadth of experience that includes the Pentagon, combat operations and a Washington DC think-tank.  He has over 2400 flight hours that include instructor, evaluator and combat time. He was responsible for the strategic plan for the Air Defense of North America that was put to the test on 9/11, drafted the strategy for reconstruction and post-hostilities of Iraq after 9/11, led the execution of over 30,000 manned and unmanned combat sorties over Afghanistan in support of over 100,000 ground troops and was the advisor to a Prince and Commander of the Saudi Arabian Air Force while managing $28.5 billion in contracts.  

The Colonel is well versed on a myriad of topics including leadership, veterans, energy independence, national security & international development, education of at-risk youth and more.  He enthralls audiences on the radio, in the courtroom, the classroom and in convention halls.

Additionally, The Colonel served as the State of Nevada’s Vice-Chairman for Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) and is currently a Nevada leader for The US Global Leadership Coalition, a National Security Expert for Operation Free, Commissioner for the North Las Vegas Veterans Community Commission and acts as Public Outreach for the Nevada Veterans Council.  He is a volunteer with Nevada’s Communities in Schools engaging at-risk high school youth.

Message From The President

David ThorsonDear Rotarians and Kiwanians,

Welcome to December and another busy month full of opportunities for service and fellowship! Be sure to check the calendar in today’s Wheel to stay on top of all the activities we have in motion this month.

As we enjoy the company of friends and family this month, it is reassuring to know that as Rotarians we continue to serve those in need. After another convincing victory in our Canned Food Drive competition, we are on track for a record-setting operation Santa
Clothes and a new attendance high at Breakfast with Books!

So, as we celebrate a successful 2016 and look forward to an even better 2017, I thought I would lay out another challenge to identify
some prose which itself may provide an opportunity for reflection:
Blow, blow, thou winter wind

Thou art not so unkind
As man’s ingratitude;
Thy tooth is not so keen,
Because thou art not seen,
Although thy breath be rude.

Heigh-ho! sing, heigh-ho! unto the green holly:
Most friendship if feigning, most loving mere folly:
Then heigh-ho, the holly!
This life is most jolly.

David Thorson
President 2016 -2017
Las Vegas Rotary Club

Member Highlights

Scribe – November 23, 2016

  •  President David Thorson called the meeting to order and welcomed the Kiwanis Club visitors.
  • Jerry Engel gave the invocation. Jaime Goldsmith led the club in singing the National Anthem. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the Sergeant-at-Arms was John Ingeme.
  • President David Thorson introduced Kiwanis Club President Dr. Kenneth Tracht who introduced some of the key Kiwanis members in the audience and provided a brief history of how our joint meeting started 62 years ago.
  • There were no International Rotarians, no Visiting Rotarians and (6) Guests of Rotarians were introduced.
  • Past President Russ Swain presented a flag from a past Visiting Rotarian from Shanghai.
  • President David Thorson recognized Larry Tomsic with a 4 Way Test Coin for his work as the Programs Committee Chair.
  • Past President Jim Hunt presented the Club with a check for $15,500 from the Englestadt Foundation in their continuing support of Santa Clothes! He also reminded the club about Santa Clothes on December 8, 2016 and let us know that for the first time ever a Santa Clothes child, now grown up, would now be helping as a shopper. He also reported that the Edmonton Santa Clothes event went well.
  • Janice Lenke talked about our Car Show and let people know that the Platinum Sponsorship is still available.
  • Sarah Brown announced that the next Highway Clean Up will be at 8am on December 17, 2016.
  • Janice Lencke announced that the Holiday Party is December 8, 2016 at the Four Seasons at 6pm. Jaime Goldsmith encouraged the club to join her for Fox Trot Classes every Tuesday at 7pm at Ballroom Addiction located at 2301 Renaissance Drive, 89119 for $12 per person/class.
  • Rob Pistone recapped the 25 Club Social at The Divine Café at The Springs Preserve.
  • David Holon, Director of Social Services at the Salvation Army announced that Kelly Ponsler’s last day in Las Vegas is December 22, 2016 and her replacements will be Cheryl and Randy Kenamen. He also announced that the Salvation Army received a donation from the Home Depot in the amount of $100,000. The Salvation Army is in need for volunteers to help serve meals daily. David Holton also announced that the Kiwanas raised enough money to purchase 40,444 cans and the LV Rotary raised enough money to purchase 101,056 cans of food for the Salvation Army and presented the annual winner’s trophy once again to the Las Vegas Rotary Club!.
  • Carolyn Sparks introduced the speaker, former Las Vegas Mayor, Oscar Goodman. Mayor Goodman recounted some highlights from his 35 years of experience as a defense lawyer. He also discussed his appearance in several movies including the Martin Scorsese film “Casino.” He went on to discuss how he decided to run for Las Vegas Mayor and how he got elected by talking to citizens one on one.
  • President David Thorson presented Mayor Goodman with the Sole Power Award, congratulated Rotarians and Kiwanians alike for their efforts in the Canned Food Drive and adjourned the meeting

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