The Wheel for February 8, 2018
Listen to Brian Rouff – Author
The Wheel

Brian Rouff – Author
Brian Rouff was born in Detroit, raised in Southern California and has lived in Las Vegas since 1981, which makes him a long-timer by local standards. A 1977 UCLA graduate with a degree in Communication Studies and a minor in Journalism, Brian has spent his entire professional career in media and advertising. In 1987, he founded his own marketing firm, servicing clients in such diverse fields as hospitality, computer consulting, and sports information. In 2003, he merged his company with Imagine Marketing (now Imagine Communications) and serves as managing partner.
Brian is also a professional public speaker, having facilitated hundreds of advertising and marketing workshops during his 35-year career. Recently, he has become a regular contributor to
In 1999, Brian decided to fulfill a lifelong dream by becoming a novelist. His first book, “Dice Angel,” is a quirky mystery that gives readers a behind-the-scenes peek at the Las Vegas that exists beyond the Strip. His third novel, “The House Always Wins,” released in October 2017, is a Las Vegas ghost story based on an actual haunted house the author and his family lived in during the early 2000s.
Brian is also a contributing author to the Las Vegas serial novel “Restless City.”
Message From The President
Dear Rotarians,
Technology, coupled with modern demands on employment, means that the majority of Americans are working i.e. checking and responding to emails right before turning in at night and typically as soon as they wake each morning. Recently published research by NetworkWorld found that the average person clicks, tap or swipe their cell phone an astonishing 2,617 times per day!
All this “connected” time means that the average American employee spends more time with work colleagues than with family members. One may argue that “double screening” with a loved one (each person interacting with their own screen) constitutes time with family since you’re sitting close together, muttering interesting observations to each other from time to time. Intuitively, we all know that proximity does not replace quality when interacting with family members.
So today, I want to thank each Sweetheart for attending our lunch. Even though your Rotarian may not say it often, we, as a club, are thankful for your contribution and support. Enjoy some quality time together over this special luncheon! Remember, without the “home field advantage” none of us will be successful in business or in Rotary.
Michael Gordon
95th President
Rotary Club of Las Vegas
Member Highlights
President Michael introduced his head table David Lester, Greg Maguire and our speaker Kelly Burton.
Once in a while Russ Swain will get the mike. He urged members to attend the upcoming Mayors soccer tournament.
Las Vegas Foundation Board member Paul Kruger marked our new total on the foundation permanent fund as $1,975,000.
President Michael awards speaker Kelly Burton with our Share What You Can award. She presented Michael with a rugby ball signed by members of the USA Sevens Rugby team.
Our birthday table was Walt Rulffes, Pet Samuolis, Bob Werner and missing Ryan Hamilton in the background.
Chris Rodenfels won the opportunity to pull the joker. He was applauded for pulling the 10…Better luck next time.
Scribe – February 1, 2018
- President Michael Gordon called the meeting to order. Dr. Michael Williams gave the invocation. Joakim Nyoni led the club in singing God Bless America, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. The Sergeant at Arms was Arleen Sirois.
- There were (1) International Rotarians, (1) visiting Rotarian and (5) Guests of Rotarians introduced.
- Marie Walsh reported that John Ingeme was home from the hospital, but not well enough to receive phone calls at this time. President Michael reported that club member, Gwen Hall was in a serious car accident and feel free to call her. Janet Linder reported that there were enough people signed up to assist with Deb Granda’s garage cleaning to make room for hospice services for her husband Bill.
- Janet Linder reminded the club of the New Member Orientation on Feb 6th at their home.
- President Michael reminded the club to RSVP for the Sweetheart luncheon on Feb 8th.
- PP Kathy Dalvey provided an update on the Ladies High Tea event held over the weekend.
- Service Committee Director Dave Lester provided the club with an overview of the variety of service projects that the club has participated in this year.
- February birthday Rotarians were celebrated with Blake Myers leading the Happy Birthday song.
- PP Jim Tucker drew the numbers for the Super Bowl Board. Winners will be announced next week.
- President Michael announced the launch of the Tiberti fellowship that can be achieved by a cumulative donation of $1,000 or more to the local foundation; a donation of $100 or more will advance you to Tiberti Sustainer. Tiberti Fellows will be recognized at the 95th-anniversary party.
- Paul Kruger reported that the local foundation is $25,000 shy of its $2M goal, now at $1,975,000.
- Rotarians watched a video summarizing the last 100 years of service of RI.
- Anil Melnick reminded club members to RSVP for the 95th-anniversary party on April 5th.
- Kirk Alexander reminded club members that RYLA student applications are being accepted through Feb 19th and facilitator applications soon after.
- Stu Lipoff oriented club members on available cyber resources for the local Rotary club and district.
- PP Russ Swain encouraged club members to attend the Mayor’s Cup soccer tournament over President’s Day weekend to support the German soccer players the club is hosting.
- Joakim Nyoni announced the next 25 Club social held at Tommy Bahama’s from 5-9pm on Feb 14th.
- PP Tom Krob announced the next Cigar Fellowship to be held at his home on March 16th.
- Bob Barnard was fined $95 for gifting Pres. Michael with an incomplete box of chocolate cigars.
- The drawing began at $1,153 plus this week’s donations. Ticket winner, Chris Rodenfels, did not draw the joker received a $10 consolation prize. Lawry’s Bucks Winner was PP Steve Linder.
- Greg Maguire introduced the program speaker, Kelly Burton, the Strategic Partnership Director of USA Sevens Rugby Tournament and International Festival. Kelly provided the club with a history of the invention and core values of rugby. She also discussed teamwork initiatives occurring in the city to include partnership opportunities between NASCAR, UFC, the Golden Knights as well as the sports medicine community. Additionally, USA Sevens Rugby Tournament partners with CCSD in the Adopt a Country program that pairs the tournament’s participating countries with different schools in the district. During the year, the students learn about their adopted country and participate in an art contest, write essays, play flag rugby in P.E., partake in a music program, receive visits from their country’s team members during the tournament, and finally attend the rugby tournament on a field trip. World of Rugby reported to Kelly that the CCSD’s participation holds the record within their Impact Beyond Program. Finally, Kelly invited Rotarians to come out to any of the school events as well as provided a discount code for the tournament. President Michael Gordon presented our speaker with a “Share What You Can” award to benefit a veteran in need and adjourned the meeting.