The Wheel for July 27, 2017

by Jul 28, 2017The Wheel0 comments

The Wheel

Joshua Stavros – Utah Shakespeare Festival

Joshua StavrosJoshua Stavros is the Media and Public Relations Manager for the Utah Shakespeare Festival. Before that he was the Associate Education Director at Utah Shakes. He has a BS in Theatre and an MFA in Arts Administration from Southern Utah University. For the past fourteen years, he has worked very closely with the College of Performing and Visual Arts and the Utah Shakespeare Festival. He has acted and directed in a number of productions, including three Greenshows, and taught in the Cedar City area high schools. He is an adjunct instructor for the Arts Administration Program at Southern Utah University. He has served as the spokesperson for the Utah Advisory Council of Theatre Teachers and is a member at large of the Utah Thespians Association. He currently serves on the board of the Utah Cultural Alliance.

Message From The President

Beckley Elementary School
2016-17 School Year

Generously sponsored by
Rotary Club of Las Vegas

1,311 Students Served
10,801 Books Distributed

Beckley Student Comments:
“I really enjoy these books. Some of the Kids to Kids books inspire me and I love them. I love to read with family and friends.”

“I love reading Kids to Kids books because it calms me down and makes me happy.”

“The books you give us are very interesting to read.”

Student Survey Results:

  • 91% overall stated they enjoy reading their Kids to Kids books
  • 93% overall stated they are excited about selecting Kids to Kids books each month

Teacher and Administrator Survey Results:

  • 95% overall stated students are eager to choose their Kids to Kids books
  • 98% overall stated that having books available in their student’s homes help them become better readers

Breakfast with Books
Family Literacy Program

Average monthly attendance: 221
Survey Results:

  • 98% of families enjoyed the stories each month
  • 100% of parents felt Breakfast with Books helped their child become a better reader
  • 100% of families would like to see this program continue

Member Highlights

Scribe – July 20, 2017

  • President Michael Gordon called the meeting to order.
  • Arleen Sirois gave the invocation. Jaime Goldsmith led the club in singing the “You’re a Grand Old Flag.” The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the Sergeant-at-Arms was Sarah Brown.
  • There were (7) International Rotarians, (4) Visiting Rotarians, and (8) Guests of Rotarians that were introduced.
  • The drawing began at $10,031.00 plus this week’s donations. The winner gets half the pot and half goes to the Las Vegas Rotary Foundation. Ticket Winner: Doug Grant who won $10! Lawry Bucks Winner: Jaime Goldsmith.
  • PP Jim Tucker announced that there are advertising opportunities in The Wheel.
  • Jackie Thornhill presented the following members with Paul Harris Fellow pins: PE Jim Kohl, Rob Telles, Rosalee Hedrick, Gwen Hall, PP Randy Donald, PP Russ Swain and PP Sharon McNair. PE Jim Kohl presented his two boys with PHFs. Kirk Alexander presented a PHF to Kirk Holmes. Deb Granda presented a PHF to Deanna Patton in the name of our late beloved member Bob Patten.
  • PP Ginger Anderson reminded the club that the Shakespeare Festival is August 26-27, 2017 and Nancy Slitz is hosting a brunch.
  • Erik Astramecki mentioned the upcoming Alpine Picnic and tree planting at Tom Thomas’ cabin in Lee Canyon.
  • PP Sharon McNair was fined for her upcoming birthday. PP Tom Axtell was fined for his Business Press article and PP Russ Swain was fined for letting his dogs “christen” Chris Rodenfels’ new boat!
  • Sidra Kain introduced the speaker, Robin Bernhard, a volunteer with The Syria Fund. The Syria Fund works with a Jordanian organization that provides housing and education to Syrian refugees. The crisis in Syria has taken 400,000 lives and created 4.8 million refugees. The Syria Fund is concerned with the development of children and young adults growing up in a crisis situation. The money raised is used for food and educational needs. Women are taking leadership roles in education. For more information, go to
  • President Michael Gordon presented the speaker with a “Sole Power” award and adjourned the meeting.

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