The Wheel for October 26, 2017

by Oct 26, 2017The Wheel0 comments

Listen To Dr. Shawn Gerstenberger – Acting Dean UNLV Med School

The Wheel

Dr. Shawn Gerstenberger – Acting Dean UNLV Med School

Shawn Gerstenberger, Dean of the UNLV School of Community Health Sciences and Acting Dean of UNLV’s School of Medicine

Dr. Gerstenberger was born and raised in Cornucopia, Wisconsin where he lived until he left to attend the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign where he majored in Toxicology.

After earning his Ph.D., he held positions at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Marine and Freshwater Biomedical Sciences Center at the University of Wisconsin and at the Medical College of Wisconsin’s Department of Preventative Medicine.

He came to UNLV 20 years ago where he is currently the Dean of the School of Community Health Sciences. More recently, he has been appointed Acting Dean of UNLV’s School of Medicine. He is married with two children.

Research Interests: Environmental toxicants and their effects on human and wildlife health, specifically those related to mercury, lead, PCBs and other compounds that adversely influence children’s health and welfare.

Current Projects: Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program, Environmental Health Laboratory, Healthy Homes, and mercury contamination in wildlife.

Recent Publications

Pharr, J.R., Coughenour, C.A., Gerstenberger, S. (2014). Building a sustainable community through public engagement: A study of Southern Nevada. Nevada Journal of Public Health, 11, 13-22

Pharr, J.R., Coughenour, C.A., Gerstenberger, S. (2014). Community health indicators in Southern Nevada. Nevada Journal of Public Health, 11, 92-112.

Pharr, J.R., Coughenour, C.A., Gerstenberger, S. (2014). Demographic makeup and population projections for Southern Nevada: Understanding the emerging healthcare needs in our community. Nevada Journal of Public Health, 11, 23.-36.

Message From The President

Member Highlights

Scribe – October 19, 2017

  • President Michael Gordon called the meeting to order.
  • Blake Myers gave the invocation. Bob Fisher led the club in a robust singing of “Yankee Doodle Dandy”, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. The Sergeant At Arms was Greg Maguire. PP Brock Fraser shared an uplifting update of continued improvement of fellow Rotarian, Ty Hilbrecht
  • There were (4) International Rotarians, (1) visiting Rotarians and (2) Guests of Rotarians introduced.
  • The drawing began at $611 plus this week’s donations. The Ticket Winner was Matt Nelson who won $10 and the Lawry’s Bucks Winner was Bob Fisher.
  • Foundation Trustees Bob Fisher and Paul Kruger announced the latest figure in our Las Vegas Rotary Foundation Fund of an amazing $1.95 million – on our way to the $2 million goal!
  • Jerry Sennes announced the success of the highway clean up and the post get together at his home. Jaime Goldsmith shared the success of an elegant Wine-to-Water event with amazing Indian food provided by Anil Melnick raising about $700. Janet Linder shared the success of the New Member Orientation with great fellowship. Walter Bracken Superstar Principal Katie Decker introduced her Dream Team of 3 Librarians.
  • Blake Myers and PP David Thorson made a special award presentation to those members with 100% attendance ranging from 1 year to 24 years! Fantastic dedication by all of the award recipients.
  • PP Jim Hunt announced a very successful kick-off for the 22nd Santa Clothes project on December 7th, reminding us of the need for volunteers as there are 364 kids expected all of whom need ‘a shopper’. PP Jim announced a kick off donation by the Southwest Rotary Club of $2400.
  • Erik Astramecki reminded everyone the Halloween Party/Canned Food drive is a FREE EVENT filled with prizes and auction items and will be held at the Las Vegas Distillery on October 27th, encouraging 100% participation and donation of canned food or financial donation by all club members.
  • Upcoming events include World Polio Day on 10/24, with President Michael Gordon announcing our Club is #1 in District 5300 in polio donations. Way to Go LVRC!! PP Karen Whisenhunt reminded us of the D5300 Peace Conference on 10/21 and the 2018 Mayor’s Cup Soccer Tournament from February 17-19 is in need of host families for 24 boys. Marie Walsh provided the numbers for another successful Breakfast With Books (180 children, 121 adults for a total of 301) and a big thank you to those contributing candy to the Beckley Harvest Festival.
  • PP Steve Linder introduced our speaker program, Pat Christenson, of Las Vegas Events (LVE) an amazing non-profit organization producing or sponsoring some of the biggest events in Las Vegas, most notably the National Finals Rodeo, Life Is Beautiful and the New Year’s Eve fireworks. He explained the LVE mission to sustain, on an annual basis, big events bringing many people to our city and the corresponding revenue generated. Pat loves the attendance and commitment of our Rotary Club so much that he generously donated 2 ‘hard to get’ tickets to the National Finals Rodeo which will be raffled off next week.
  • President Michael Gordon presented our speaker with a “Share What You Can” award to benefit a veteran in need and then adjourned the meeting.

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