The Wheel for November 2, 2017

by Nov 2, 2017The Wheel0 comments

The Wheel

John Case – Yucca Mountain

Mr. Case is a retired professional engineer in geotechnical engineering and nuclear waste management. From 1984 to 2008, he worked on the Yucca Mountain Project (YMP) directly for Bechtel-SAIC (BSC), and as a subcontractor to Sandia National Laboratories (SNL). He made technical contributions on the YMP in the areas of repository sealing of shafts and underground drifts; probabilistic rock-mass classification and rock-support analyses in preparation of the Geotechnical Baseline Report for the Enhanced Characterization Repository Block (ECRB); waste package and rock temperature predictions during preclosure ventilation; assessment of thermal properties of welded and non-welded tuffs; thermal management of waste-package line loads; probabilistic risk assessment of features, events and processes (FEPS) and quality assurance. He is a lifetime member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). And he is a former President of the Kiwanis Club of Coronado from 1988 to1989 in Albuquerque New Mexico, and is currently the President of the Kiwanis Club of Las Vegas.

Message From The President

Dear Rotarians,

Today we will have the opportunity to positively impact our club’s operational efficiency.

While a mention of the term “bylaws revision” might not conjure images of sheer exhilaration, it is necessary for an organization to assess its guiding documents from time-to-time.

Today, we are proposing separating our club constitution from the bylaws, making it a stand-alone document. Other proposed bylaws changes include:

  • Allowing for electronic voting at the annual club meeting
  • Clarifying valid reasons for objections to proposed members
  • Several smaller changes bringing our club’s bylaws in harmony with Rotary International

Proposed changes to our club’ Continuing Resolutions (CR) include:

  • Requiring an annual review and annual contract for the Executive Director
  • Clarifying appropriate uses of the raffle “pot”
  • Shortening the amount of days for a valid make-up in line with RI guidelines
  • Allowing our club members who watch the weekly Facebook Livestream to count as a valid make-up
  • Adding a new CR memorializing our club’s commitment to the annual Tiberti scholarship

Thank you to PP Tom Krob who did yeoman’s work in researching best practices and subsequently drafting these changes – while on vacation! A special thanks also go out to PP Karen Whisenhunt and PP Dave Thorson for their keen and sharp eyes in reviewing the changes before the presentation.

Finally, an advance thank you to you, our members, for indulging your club board in this unsexy, but necessary, endeavor.

Michael Gordon
95th President
Rotary Club of Las Vegas

Member Highlights

Scribe – October 26, 2017

  • President Michael Gordon called the meeting to order
  • Arleen Sirois gave the invocation. Sidra Kain led the club in singing “America – My Country Tis of Thee”, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. The Sergeant At Arms was PP Steve Linder.
  • There were (0) International Rotarians, (3) visiting Rotarians and (4) Guests of Rotarians introduced.
  • The drawing began at $722 plus this week’s donations. The ticket winner was Steven Kwon who won $10 and the Lawry’s Bucks Winner was PP Tom Krob.
  • President Michael Gordon awarded a Four-Way Test Coin to 10 individuals for Service Above Self. These acts ranged from helping a former TLC participant to creating a new giving level in our local Foundation.
  • Francesca Gilbert presented her daughter, Alyssa, with certificate and pin as a Paul Harris Fellow.
  • In her first public announcement, Shawn Noorda asked if anyone has contact/address information for Club Past Presidents to provide the information to her for mailing ‘Save The Date’ cards for our Club’s 95th Anniversary party. President Michael announced how amazing the District 5300 Peace Conference in Pasadena was, urging others to attend the next time. Marie Walsh shared the fun the children had at Beckley’s Harvest Festival and thanked the club volunteers and reminded club members that volunteers are needed for Breakfast With Books on Tuesday, November 14.
  • Erik Astramecki reminded everyone about the Halloween/Canned Food Drive party on October 27th, sharing there are $4,000 in amazing auction prizes and auctioned 2 tickets to Circle du Soleil ‘Mystere’ at the meeting, bringing $150 from PP Steve Casey ‘to the cause’. Jaime Goldsmith reminded the club of our holiday party on December 7th at the Treasure Island ballroom and the delicious menu options.
  • Kirk Alexander announced that final applications are being accepted for potential participants at the TLC in Running Springs, CA to be held December 1-3.
  • Bob Fisher advised a Commission has been brought in to allocate a large amount of funds collected for the October 1 tragedy to ensure it is done correctly and where needed. He shared that hospital workers and nurses that worked tirelessly on those who were victims at the event were discovered to be having a hard time with what occurred and that ideas are now being discussed about how to thank them.
  • Carolyn Sparks introduced our speaker program, Dr. Shawn Gerstenberger, Dean of the School of Community Health Sciences at UNLV, who also currently wears the hat of Acting Dean of UNLV’s School of Medicine. Shawn explained the various areas of activities within the School which are a part of the healthcare continuum, identifying and discovering ways to prevent ‘the preventable’ from happening. The scope of what the participants in the School of Community Health Sciences, referred to by Shawn as ‘chronic do-gooders’, extends to Landlord Tenant Hotline, Nevada Institute for Children’s Research & Policy, and Prevent Child Abuse. It is clearly a much needed and fast growing school at UNLV.
  • President Michael Gordon presented our speaker with a “Share What You Can” award to benefit a veteran in need and then adjourned the meeting.

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