The Wheel for September 27, 2017

by Sep 28, 2017The Wheel0 comments

The Wheel

Raghada Khoury – District Governor 2017-18

District Governor 2017-18, Raghada Khoury

Raghada Khoury, Born in Amman Jordan, raised in Yonkers, NY and has called California home since 1977. She lived in Azusa until she moved to Apple Valley in 1987. Raghada has a 29-year old son.

In 2001 Raghada graduated from the University of Redlands earning a Masters of Arts in Management with an emphasis in Human Resources. A Bachelor’s of Science program from the University of Phoenix preceded this.Ms. Khoury has been in Real Estate Investment for the last 13 years. Licensed by the State

Ms. Khoury has been in Real Estate Investment for the last 13 years. Licensed by the State of California to sell insurance specifically Pre-Need while contracting with Funeral Homes in Southern California.  Raghada has served as the President of the Domestic Violence Shelter for Women and Children in the Victor Valley for over 5 years.  Appointed to the Commission on the Status of Women where she served for 6 years advocating for the safety and prosperity of all women with a focus on youth leadership. She also served on the Town of Apple Valley Parks and Rec Commission and has served as a member of the Apple Valley Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors for the past Four years.

In her 14-year tenure, Raghada served as a club president and as a Board of Director for the Rotary Club of Apple Valley for the past 13 years. At the District level, Raghada has served in various capacities such as AG, Exec-AG, District Grants Chair, 4 Way Test Speech Contest Chair, Governor’s Aide 2013-2014 and on many other District Committees.

Message From The President

Member Highlights

Scribe – September 21, 2017

  • President Michael Gordon called the meeting to order
  • Francesca Gilbert gave the invocation. Glenn Meier led the club in singing “Amazing Grace”, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. The Sergeant At Arms was PP Steve Linder.
  • There were (4) International Rotarians, (1) visiting Rotarian and (7) Guests of Rotarians introduced. Additionally, Janelle Lozano introduced a future new Rotarian, announcing she is expecting a baby in March, not to be outdone by similar news from President Michael Gordon that he and Amanda Gordon are also expecting a child in March!
  • The drawing began at $1,147 plus this week’s donations. The ticket winner was Jimmelle Siarot who won $10 and the Lawry’s Bucks winner was David Lester.
  • PP Caty Crockett confirmed a great turnout for the tour of the Aviation Museum at McCarran Airport and the tour of the USO facility led by PP Dave Thorson.
  • PP Brock Fraser provided the Club with an update on the status of Ty Hilbrecht asking Club members to reach out to his wife, Mercedes.
  • Kirk Holmes advised the first week of live streaming our club meetings reached international proportions, having been seen by persons in Kosovo and Australia!
  • Principal Katie Decker introduced three superstars from her three schools and boasted about the good work they are doing despite budget cuts in education.
  • Jackie Thornhill led the presentation of Paul Harris pins, including Randy Donald presenting Paul Harris pins to his two sons Nate and Justin. Other awardees included Walt Ruffles +1, Ted McAdam +2, Steve Dixon +4 and Janet Linder +8.
  • Janet Linder inducted new member Tyler Wistensen. Welcome, Tyler!
  • Kirk Holmes reminded members about the Halloween party set for October 27, 2017, and the canned food drive
  • Marie Walsh announced the success of the September Breakfast With Books and our #1 status with the largest number of attendees (376, including 235 children and 141 adults)
  • Jaime Goldsmith recapped the success of the SOAR program with 120 attendees, including Mayor Carolyn Goodman.
  • Dave Lester reminded the club about the United Way Day of Caring on Friday, September 29, 2017, at Bridger Middle School.
  • Caty Crockett introduced our speaker, Mark Hall-Patton, Museum Administrator for the Clark County museum system (running three museums in the general Southern Nevada area). Mark, wearing his wide-brimmed hat, explained how the Aviation Museum at McCarran Airport, is unique insofar as it is not in a separate building with conventional days and hours of operation, but rather throughout the airport in a place where people are, open for viewing 24/7. He shared how PP Caty Crockett’s father was instrumental in the search for land and construction of the airport. While always considering himself a ‘museum administrator’ Mark has found his ‘celebrity’ by his involvement in the TV show “Pawn Stars”, as the ‘man who won’t give a price’.
  • President Michael Gordon presented our speaker with a “Share What You Can” award to benefit a veteran in need and then adjourned the meeting.

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