The Wheel for May 4, 2017

by May 4, 2017The Wheel, Uncategorized0 comments

The Wheel

Glenn F. Meier – Conscious Capitalism

Glenn F. Meier is a shareholder with the law firm Holley, Driggs, Walch, Fine, Wray, Puzey & Thompson, a full-service Nevada business law firm. Glenn’s practice is dedicated to helping his clients run purpose-driven businesses that make a positive impact on the world. Glenn provides general advice and strategic counsel to business owners and acts as their interface with the legal system. In addition, Glenn helps his clients identify and express their business purpose, design and maintain healthy relationships with their stakeholders, and build vibrant lasting company cultures.

Glenn obtained his undergraduate degree in Political Science from the University of California, Riverside in 1987 and thereafter attended law school at Emory University in Atlanta Georgia. While at Emory, Glenn served on the Editorial Board of the Emory Law Review and also completed training with the National Institute of Trial Advocacy. Following his graduation from law school, Glenn joined the Judge Advocate General’s Department of the United States Air Force. While in the Air Force, he participated in numerous criminal trials including prosecuting and defending major crimes such as complex fraud cases and murder trials. Glenn was consistently recognized by the Air

Following his graduation from law school, Glenn joined the Judge Advocate General’s Department of the United States Air Force. While in the Air Force, he participated in numerous criminal trials including prosecuting and defending major crimes such as complex fraud cases and murder trials. Glenn was consistently recognized by the Air Force for his courtroom skills and was ultimately assigned as one of a small group of prosecutors throughout the Air Force assigned to handle serious cases across the country.

Glenn’s initial assignment with the Air Force was to Nellis Air Force Base in Las Vegas, Nevada. Following his Honorable Discharge from the military, he returned to Las Vegas where he has been in private practice since 1996. Glenn stays involved in the local community as a member of the Las Vegas Rotary Club, a board member for the Josh Stevens Foundation, and a member of the President’s Advisory Council for the Smith Center for the Performing Arts. Glenn’s most recent community oriented project has been to found the Conscious Capitalism Chapter of Las Vegas.

In addition to his legal practice, Glenn provides services as a neutral mediator to parties in dispute and also provides coaching to lawyers looking to create fulfilling win-win practices.

Message From The President

Dear Rotarians,

I thought I would take the opportunity today to recap our Cars for a Cause Show. As you will recall, we launched the car show in 2016 as our major fundraiser with the following primary objectives:

I thought I would take the opportunity today to recap our Cars for a Cause Show. As you will recall, we launched the car show in 2016 as our major fundraiser with the following primary objectives:

1) To lower fixed costs so that more of the money raised goes to our programs.

2) Allow for “unlimited” fundraising growth potential.

3) Give all members and opportunity to participate in a fun event.

4) Enhance our ability to raise money from non-members.

Well, this year we did an outstanding job on objectives #1-3 and started to make some good progress on item #4. Here are a few highlights:

a) We will net about $17,000 from this year’s show – an increase of over 300% from last year!

b) We had 110 cars registered this year – all of which paid to participate.

c) 40 or more members volunteered throughout the year on the project and almost all participated in some way (buying raffle tickets, attending the show, etc.).

d) We estimate about 1,500 people attended the show.

e) A great variety of raffle items were won and our grand prize was won by our own Jimmelle Siarot!

Congratulations to President-Elect Michael Gordon, Director Janice Lencke and the entire Car Show Committee for truly taking this event to the next level!

Also, a very special thanks to our event sponsors, all of whom were club members this year. Please make sure to look inside the club first as you seek products and services.

What a great time to be a member of this club!

David Thorson

President 2016 -2017

Las Vegas Rotary Club



Member Highlights

Scribe – April 27, 2017

  • President David Thorson called the meeting to order.
  • Rod Tucker gave the invocation. Jerry Engel and Ted McAdam led the club in singing the “God Bless America.” The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the Sergeant-at-Arms was John Ingeme.
  • There were (1) International Rotarians, (3) Visiting Rotarians and (3) Guests of Rotarians were introduced.
  • The drawing began at $6,581.00 plus this week’s donations. The winner gets half the pot and half goes to the Las Vegas Rotary Foundation. Ticket Winner: David Lester who won $10! Lawry Bucks Winner: Past President Jim Jones.
  • President-Elect Michael Gordon gave special thanks to Janice Lencke for all of her assistance with the car show. The total money raised before expenses was about $25,000.
  • President David Thorson presented the April 4 Way Test Coin to Ryan Hamilton for his work on the car show.
  • President David Thorson shared a thank you note from Roger Schulte thanking the club for our donation of $4,000 towards their $50,000 goal for the Rotaplast mission to Lima, Peru.
  • Marie Walsh introduced the new Principal for Beckley Elementary, Sharon Brown, and the current Assistant Principal, Sheryl Trupp who received a grant from the club in the amount of $2,500. The last Breakfast with Books of the school year will be May 9th.
  • Larry Rouse informed the club that there is an open position on the Las Vegas Rotary Foundation Board. There is a 3-year membership prerequisite to qualify. Please contact Larry if you have interest.
  • Carolyn Sparks discussed the upcoming 100-year anniversary of The Rotary Foundation. We plan to celebrate on June 6, 2017, at the Neon Museum. Tickets are $50 and include light hors d’oeuvres and an open bar.
  • Carolyn Sparks announced that there are several members who are close to moving up a level in their PHF. The club will match your donations 50/50 with points to help you reach the next level. Reach out to Carolyn or Shawn for more information.
  • Rodney Tucker reminded the club of the upcoming 25 Club Social at his gun club on May 12th. There are 5 slots still available.
  • Tim Mullin reminded us of the 51’s Game with the troops from Nellis on May 27.
  • Bill Stieren reminded the club of the Atomic Test Site Tour on May 24, 2017.
  • Deb Granda announced that District conference is May 19-21, 2017. You may purchase a shirt for $30 – $7 of which will go to our Las Vegas Rotary Foundation.
  • Larry Tomsic announced the speaker, Mark Shunock, creator of “Mondays Dark.” Mondays Dark is a showcase of Las Vegas’ best entertainment performing bi-weekly at The Space, 3460 Cavaretta Court, LV, NV benefitting local charities in need.
  • President David Thorson presented the speaker with the Sole Power award and adjourned the meeting.

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