Alpine Picnic

Alpine Picnic Fellowship is an important part of our membership experience. One of our favorite annual summertime events is an Alpine picnic held at the cabin of a fellow Rotarian on Mt. Charleston, just 30 minutes and a world away from Las Vegas. The day kicks off...
2019-2020- Jacqueline Thornhill

2019-2020- Jacqueline Thornhill

2019-2020 President Jacqueline Thornhill Jacqueline Thornhill served as the 97th President of the Rotary Club of Las Vegas during the 2019-2020 Rotary Year. The International theme was “Rotary Connects the World”. President Jackie continued with the four person head...
2018-2019- Jim Kohl

2018-2019- Jim Kohl

2018-2019 President Jim Kohl The Las Vegas Rotary Club (“Club”) had a fantastic year in 2018-2019. The Club won the Governor’s Bell for best large club in District 5300 and qualified for a Presidential Citation (gold distinction). Jim Kohl served as the 96th President...
The Wheel for July 15, 2021

The Wheel for July 15, 2021

The Wheel for July 15, 2021 Listen to Leith Martin – Executive Director Troesh Center UNLV The Wheel Download Leith Martin – Executive Director Troesh Center UNLV Leith Martin, executive director for entrepreneurship / Lee Business School for New Faces...
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