The Wheel for April 20, 2017

by Apr 20, 2017The Wheel, Uncategorized0 comments

The Wheel

Len Jessup – UNLV President

Len Jessup

Len Jessup

Len Jessup joined UNLV as its 10th president in January 2015. An accomplished leader in higher education, Jessup brings experience as a university professor, administrator, entrepreneur and fundraiser to UNLV as he leads it on the path to become a high-performing, community-engaged Top Tier research university. Among his high priorities is the continued development of the UNLV School of Medicine.

Like many of UNLV’s students, Jessup was the first in his family to graduate from college. This experience informs his understanding of the crucial role universities play in transforming families and communities, and it has been a motivating factor in his career in higher education leadership.

Prior to UNLV, Jessup served as dean of the Eller College of Management at the University of Arizona (2011–2014), where he was also professor of entrepreneurship and innovation and the Halle Chair in Leadership. He led Eller to become a self-sustaining college with higher national rankings that robustly contributes to the state’s economic development. As a founding board member of the University of Arizona Health Network, he also contributed to the rethinking and restructuring of the university’s academic medical center.

Jessup is a leading researcher in management information systems, with a focus on the use of emerging technology in higher education and business, new venture strategies, and social entrepreneurship. He was instrumental in creating the University of Arizona’s technology transfer and commercialization program, Tech Launch Arizona. He led the development and expansion of online degree and executive education programs at Arizona and helped drive similar innovations in previous positions at Washington State University (2000–2011) and Indiana University (1995–2000).

A former baseball player in the highly competitive California junior college system, Jessup received his B.A. in information and communication studies in 1983 and his MBA in 1985, both from California State University, Chico. He earned his Ph.D. in organizational behavior and management information systems from the University of Arizona’s Eller College of Management in 1989, and was awarded the Outstanding Ph.D. Alumnus in 2004.

Jessup resides with his partner Kristi Staab, a former broadcast industry executive who owns and operates a successful leadership and sales training and development business. Jessup has a daughter, Jamie, and a son, David.

Message From The President

An Open Letter to Our Valedictorians

Dear Valedictorians,

Rotary is where community leaders, friends and problem-solvers join together to take action and create lasting change. With over 1.2 million members in 34,000+ clubs around the world, Rotary is the original global service organization and is perhaps best known for its global efforts to eradicate Polio.

This Las Vegas Rotary Club was founded in 1923. Over the last 94 years we have contributed millions of dollars in funding and in-kind service to address problems both locally and around the world. Of particular interest to you may be the support we provide to Bracken, Beckley, Hollingsworth and Long at-risk elementary schools here in Las Vegas as partially demonstrated by the grant presentations you witnessed today.

Our motto is “Service Above Self”. This is the very heart and soul of Rotary. Most of the people in the world feel that they have achieved success when, through wealth or position, they can command the services of others; but the Rotary ideal is that real success and true happiness can best be found in unselfish service rendered to others.

So, as you move on in your educational and professional lives, I hope you take with you this Rotary ideal of service and give back to your communities.

A good place to start is in college. Many universities around the world, including both UNLV and UNR have Rotaract Clubs. Please consider investigating these as a way of enhancing your college experience and enriching your lives.

Congratulations on your amazing achievement! We know you are destined for success.

David Thorson

President 2016 -2017

Las Vegas Rotary Club

Member Highlights

Scribe – April 13, 2017

  • President David Thorson called the meeting to order
  • Brock Fraser gave the invocation. Jaime Goldsmith led the club in singing the National Anthem. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the Sergeant-at-Arms was Past President Steve Casey.
  • There were (0) International Rotarians, (2) Visiting Rotarians and (7) Guests of Rotarians were introduced.
  • The drawing began at $6,363.00 plus this week’s donations. The winner gets half the pot and half goes to the Las Vegas Rotary Foundation. Ticket Winner: Dr. Rampur Viswanath who won $10! Lawry Bucks Winner: Erik Astramecki.
  • President David Thorson introduced Pamela Lang from Spread the Word Nevada who announced to the club the tremendous success at Buckley Elementary. $50K has been donated to build a Mentor Center at Beckley by the Andress Family Foundation based on our club’s support.
  • 25 Club President Chris Bennett announced that the next 25 Club Social will be on May 12, 2017 at 6:30pm. The event is a machine gun experience for $50.
  • President Elect Michael Gordon announced all Car Show merchandise can be picked up from Francesca Gilbert. All volunteers stuffing bags will meet at Celebrity Cars Saturday 4/15/17 at 2:30PM.
  • Bill Steiren reminded the club that the Atomic Test Site tour is on May 24, 2017 at 8am.
  • Carolyn Sparks announced that our Club will hold a Rotary Foundation 100th anniversary celebration at the Neon Museum on June 6, 2017 5:30-7:30PM.
  • Deb Granda discussed the District Conference May 18-21 in Palm Springs. The evening’s theme is ‘Latin Night’. Our Club hospitality theme “Puerto Rican” shirts are available for $30 each.
  • Kirk Alexander reminded us of the Corazon Superbuild on May 6th in Tecate, Mexico.
  • Glenn Meier emailed President David letting him know that our Club has received the “Kindness Award” from the Josh Stevens Foundation. Presentation to be given April 29th from 6:30-9:30PM.
  • Marie Walsh announced the next Breakfast with Books will take place on 5/9 at Beckley Elementary. Additionally, there is a Field Day at Beckley on 4/21 and they could still use volunteers.
  • Past president Mary Ann Avnet discusses RYLA Orientations to take place 4/19 & 4/26 (both at 6PM) and she needs some assistance.
  • Rob Telles introduced our speaker Tim Mullen– Director of the Las Vegas USO (and Club member) who talked about the history of the USO and all the great programs they run locally to support our service men and women. Tim also reminded us that our Club is sponsoring servicemen and women to go to a 51’s Game on May 27th; USO.Org to volunteer;
  • President David Thorson presented Tim Mullen with Sole Power Award and adjourned the meeting.

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